Search Result for “community radio”

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Seeking politics of solidarity under Putin's regime

News, Published on 18/03/2024

» In 2013, when I was 13, one of the oldest comedy TV programmes in Russia released a sketch in which a group of musicians performed a version of Queen's I Want to Break Free satirising the country.



The Israel-Gaza crisis: A question of numbers

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 08/11/2023

» Being the heritage minister is not the summit of achievement in Israeli politics, but it is a cabinet position, and Amihai Eliyahu, the current occupant, really should watch what he says. When Radio Kol Berama asked him whether an atomic bomb should be dropped on Gaza, he should not have replied "This is one of the possibilities."



Fight to save local journalism

News, Published on 02/10/2023

» The Washington Post's famous slogan, "Democracy Dies in Darkness", is sadly coming true in many parts of the United States. The digital age has shattered newspapers' business model, turning many communities into "news deserts" with no local journalism. Some 2,500 daily or weekly newspapers have folded since 2005, and there are now fewer than 6,500 left. Every week, two more disappear.



A rare occasion when 'dogs are allowed'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/04/2023

» Earlier this month an art museum in Athens opened its doors to dogs so the canine community could experience a quiet sniff around important works of art. This might seem rather trivial but when you consider that the "No Dogs Allowed" sign is one of the most familiar around the world the dogs need as much moral support as they can get. It must be a bit disheartening for hounds to be greeted everywhere by signs that they are not wanted… an odd way to treat man's best friend.


Nuan is the cat's whiskers at Apec

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/11/2022

» The most important news emerging from the Apec summit in Bangkok is that it looks like Downing Street's Larry the Cat has finally got some competition in the ranks of feline celebrities. Catching the eye in the Big Mango this week has been Nuan -- a lady cat who has been adopted as the unofficial mascot for the Apec meet.



Thailand's crisis communication needs rethinking

Oped, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 08/10/2022

» The renewed interest in transistor radios is just so bemusing, even to those who own a set and use it for news updates like myself.



Real social networks coming to an end

Oped, Published on 09/09/2022

» Not only are billions of people around the world glued to their mobile phones, but the information they consume has changed dramatically -- and not for the better. On dominant social media platforms like Facebook, researchers have documented that falsehoods spread faster and more widely than similar content that includes accurate information. Though users are not demanding misinformation, the algorithms that determine what people see tend to favour sensational, inaccurate and misleading content, because that is what generates "engagement" and thus advertising revenue.



Change the channel

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/04/2022

» The Russia-Ukraine war coverage saga at Channel 5 has caused significant turbulence at the army-run media outlet.



Govt backs information as public good

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 30/11/2021

» At the recent Unesco General Conference this month, one of the key issues discussed and debated among member countries was the state of global media development. The overall picture painted was very gloomy. For one thing, traditional journalism, for which the writer needs to be on the ground to report, is vanishing fast. In newsrooms around the world, the craft of journalism is becoming a rarity due to budget constraints in terms of hiring staffers to report, check and verify sources, as well as put into context all the information received.



Myanmar strife keeps getting worse

Oped, Paskorn Jumlongrach, Published on 21/10/2021

» The sour relationship between Myanmar and Asean might have forced the Tatmadaw -- a term for the Myanmar junta government -- to go soft and release hundreds of political prisoners from Insein prison, in a bid perceived as an attempt to extend an olive branch to the regional bloc.