Search Result for “bargaining process”

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Shrinkflation unpacked

Business, Phusadee Arunmas, Published on 06/06/2024

» As manufacturers across various industries seek to cope with rising production costs, many are turning to "shrinkflation" to survive.



Court accepts petition on Senate poll rules

News, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 06/06/2024

» The Constitutional Court yesterday accepted for consideration petitions filed by Senate election candidates asking it to rule if four controversial provisions in the organic law governing the poll are in breach of the charter.



Cabinet reshuffle looms

News, Published on 18/04/2024

» A forthcoming cabinet reshuffle is likely to be finalised next week even though the changes, largely affecting the ruling Pheu Thai Party, are far from settled in some key posts, according to a source.



Thai-EU free trade deal on the horizon

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/04/2024

» If everything goes as planned, Thailand and the EU could sign a free trade agreement by mid-next year, in what is another example of the European Union's increasing engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.



First look at new Thai diplomatic tactics

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 10/10/2023

» In deciphering the 1,288-word Thai foreign policy statement announced last week, it is important to start at the very end. The last paragraph of "Thailand's Challenges: How to Thrive in Rising Geopolitical Uncertainty", put forward by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, was particularly revealing. He said succinctly that Thai diplomatic platforms must complement the government's domestic policies to improve people's standard of living and create job opportunities in order to get the country back in the global economic and political arena with dignity. In addition, it must enable the Thai business sector to grow and prosper domestically and internationally to increase confidence in Thailand.



Staff to strike at Chevron gas facilities in Australia

AFP, Published on 29/08/2023

» SYDNEY - Workers at two of Chevron's major natural gas plants in Australia are set to go on strike next week, the US energy giant said Tuesday, threatening up to five percent of global LNG supplies.



Easyrice uses artificial intelligence for food revolution

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 19/08/2023

» Sprouting from university research projects, Easyrice Digital Technology Co Ltd has evolved into a deep tech startup specialising in artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture, with a goal to revolutionise the Thai rice industry.



UTN set to back Pheu Thai

Published on 18/08/2023

» The United Thai Nation (UTN) Party has agreed to join a coalition led by the Pheu Thai Party. However, it denies bargaining for the energy portfolio amid a report that prospective coalition allies are wrangling over cabinet posts ahead of the next prime ministerial vote.



Tech news still cowed by digital giants

Oped, Published on 02/08/2023

» As more and more people get news and information from social media, one key issue has emerged in the international arena: bargaining power between news outlets and social media giants for fair remuneration. Some countries have enacted laws requiring major social media platforms to pay for news. A glaring example was when Australia in 2021 introduced the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code (News Media Bargaining Code) which requires arbitration to take place in case two parties cannot reach an agreement. Late last year, the Canadian parliament passed the Online News Act that enables news producers to negotiate with digital giants for fair payment.



Gears of power grind on

Published on 30/07/2023

» The Pheu Thai Party is mulling whether to play the loyalty card -- where it will invite parties to form the new government only after they have voted for one of its candidates as prime minister, according to a source.