Search Result for “baht”

Showing 81 - 90 of 123



New lockdown bodes economic misery

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 07/01/2021

» My first article of the year cannot be about anything but the Covid-19 lockdown. Actually, I planned to write about the two-month disappearance of the world-famous Jack Ma -- founder of Alibaba and Alipay. He has an innovative idea to revolutionise the Chinese financial system but his revolutionary idea was not agreeable with Chinese authorities and caused him to "disappear". What interests me is not China's internal affairs. But his idea, once put into use, will revolutionise the global economy as well. Milton Friedman (a Nobel Prize laureate in Economics and the father of monetary policy) and his Optimum Quantity of Money theory will become useless. His idea, if taken far enough, might be able to pull the world economy out of the Covid slump. Sound interesting? Readers have to wait until my next article, which will come in two weeks' time.



Let me play the role of Nostradamus

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 17/12/2020

» Time flies. The dreadful year of 2020 is coming to a close. Therefore, I've decided to have fun by writing something "comical". No earth-shattering economic analysis. That will be the next article. This week I will make educated predictions of things that might happen in the year 2021. I am no fortune teller, but I will try my best.



Not looking like Xmas this year, or next

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 03/12/2020

» Everybody has high hopes for the year 2021. Stock markets seem to think so. The Dow Jones Industrial average started the year at around the 29,000 mark and dropped by one-third to 20,000 when Covid-19 became a global threat in late March. Today, despite the second, third, and fourth rounds of outbreaks around the globe, Dow Jones is approaching the 30,000 mark.



Can a V-shaped recovery happen now?

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 05/11/2020

» This article is written especially for the Bank of Thailand.



Economy, not rallies, should worry govt

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 22/10/2020

» Economics and politics are inseparable. The current nationwide demonstrations against the government might appear to have only political agendas, but the underlying driving force of the burgeoning demonstrations might be economics. The question is "why now?". The prime minister has been in office since early 2019 and, if one counts his previous term, he has been in office since mid-2014. Furthermore, the current constitution has been in effect since 2017.



Returning to normal by 2021: a dream

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 24/09/2020

» The world economy is in total disaster in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. IMF chief, Kristalina Georgieva, said it would be the worst economic crisis in 100 years. However, her once in a 100-year crisis seems to be rather short-lived as the IMF expects a full global recovery next year.



Govt's Covid stimulus could all be in vain

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 10/09/2020

» The greatest mistake the world is making is believing that governments will save us from the Covid-19 economic disaster. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is encouraging governments to spend more to counter the downturn.


The job of a finance minister...

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 03/09/2020

» The resignation of Finance Minister Predee Daochai is a hot issue right now and I feel compelled to write about it, though I'd rather not discuss the cause -- which could be a combination of problems relating to health, internal disputes, political pressure, workloads, and unsolvable problems. Whatever the problems are, the minister has already made the decision which is gazetted. What's done is done.



More thoughts on the post-Covid world

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 27/08/2020

» News about Covid-19 vaccine development in Russia and other countries offers a ray of hope the pandemic could be ending soon and the world economy may return to normal.



The worst of Covid-19 is yet to come

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 30/07/2020

» I am not talking about the pandemic. I optimistically assume the Covid-19 pandemic is over for Thailand as we have had zero domestic infections for almost two months. The lockdown, aimed at barring visitors from entering Thailand, is substantially relaxed and most economic activities are permitted to resume.