Search Result for “anti-government”

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US-Thai Cobra Gold drills wither at 40

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/08/2021

» The 40th iteration of Cobra Gold (CG), which ended last week, was supposed to be the best year ever for the four-decades-old Thai and US joint military exercises. But it was not to be. Blame it on the Covid-19 pandemic or the menace of smartphones and social media spreading fake news about the true nature of the region's largest multinational military exercise.



Brunei's chairmanship is truly Asean

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 27/07/2021

» By default, Brunei's Asean chairmanship has brought into the open the bloc's strengths and weaknesses for all to see due to political disruption within the region. Throughout its 54 years of existence, Asean has been chastised and belittled as a talk-only-no-decision institution. Given the current environment, its success in maintaining regional sustainable peace and development for the past five decades nevertheless has become little more than a cliché.



Can Thailand's vibrant media be self-regulated?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 06/07/2021

» Exactly 24 years ago this week, some 40-plus publishers and editors from all over Thailand came together to form the National Press Council to challenge the government of the day, which was trying to control them through regulatory measures. The council has since then used "social and peer pressure" and its code of ethics to maintain media professionalism. It has also served as a pillar for the Thai media to preserve freedom of expression.



Can we build back better by Oct 15?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/06/2021

» By Oct 15, Buddha willing, Thailand will be ready to welcome visitors from abroad including domestic travellers. Last Wednesday, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha bet his political career and reputation on a pledge that Thailand will be back in business once again in four months' time.



Thailand must get its act together on US

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 01/06/2021

» The Biden administration has made the Thai-US alliance more secure and valuable as demonstrated by the 7th Thai-US strategic dialogue, which was held last month. It came at the right time after a three-year hiatus, as both countries are currently recalibrating their alliance and overall relations with other partners in the region and beyond.



Thailand tightens information law

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 25/05/2021

» In September 1997 Thailand became the first country in Asean to enact a freedom of information law. The Official Information Act (OIA), as it is known here, became a new benchmark for a free society as well as its openness and transparency. For the first time, the public had the right to access information, especially that previously held by the government.



Biden win a boon or bane for Thailand?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 08/09/2020

» There are only nine weeks to go before Nov 3 when American voters decide on their new president. If former vice president Joseph Biden wins, Thailand must prepare a new strategy to "renew" and "reinvent" engagement with the US that will take be tougher on issues related to China, human rights and democracy. The Biden administration's approach could be a boon or bane for Thailand, one of its five allies in the Indo-Pacific, depending on the country's diplomatic pathway and strategic preparedness. With a new administration under the Democrats, the US State Department would again shape overall policy towards its benign ally.



Thailand must rethink its quarantine

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 11/08/2020

» Thailand's future might well be in danger if the government does not take urgent action to recalibrate its anti-pandemic policies. All the excellent measures the concerned authorities, as well as the public, have taken in mitigating the coronavirus over the past six months could easily turn against them. Thailand could emerge from Covid-19 with more disgruntled Thais including those who were repatriated. Worse, there will likely be additional unhappy foreign countries including their diplomats and citizens who have encountered discriminatory actions, some of which have gone against the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.


7 secrets of Thai Covid-19 success

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 23/06/2020

» When the first coronavirus infection was detected on Jan 13, there were fears that Thailand would be the hardest hit by the pandemic, and that the country might not survive due to the onslaught unleashed by a faceless enemy.


Watershed Thai media moment?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/04/2020

» A sea change in media-government relations stemming from the daily press briefings on the Covid-19 situation has been one huge side effect of the pandemic. Apart from wearing face masks and social distancing, is this the new normal for Thai media?