Search Result for “ancestors”

Showing 51 - 60 of 1,273



‘Voodoo wrestling’ is spellbinding fun in DR Congo

AFP, Published on 02/08/2023

» KINSHASA: There has been a power cut, and under moonlight in a poor quarter of DR Congo's capital, wrestler Maitresse Libondans explains how she invokes her ancestors to cast spells that rout her opponents.



Memories remain

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 02/08/2023

» Growing up in Surin, the border region between Thailand and Cambodia, Marisa Srijunpleang developed a keen interest in the histories of both countries. However, she noticed that some historical stories were missing from written records. After talking to family members, she was surprised to discover they were survivors of the 1975 Khmer Rouge genocide, and how they had been directly and indirectly affected by the war.



Heed drought warning signs

Editorial, Published on 30/07/2023

» After what seemed like an eternity under the scorching heat because of the massive heatwave that began earlier in the year, the monsoon has finally arrived, bringing with it some respite in the form of overcast skies and late evening downpours.



Lifestyle changes can help arm numbness at night

Life, Published on 25/07/2023

» DEAR DOCTORS: My arms and hands have begun to go numb when I'm in lying down in bed at night. It wakes me up, so I'm not sleeping well. What causes this? I'm healthy, eat a pescatarian diet and exercise regularly. I don't have diabetes, but I may have high blood sugar. Should I see a doctor?



Saying farewell

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 11/07/2023

» The closing of Seefah restaurant in Siam Square today is putting a hole in the heart of most people who grew up in the 70s and 80s.



Proof humans reshaped the world? Chickens

AFP, Published on 10/07/2023

» PARIS: When aliens or our distant progeny sift through layers of sediment 500,000 years from now to decode the Earth's past, they will find unusual evidence of the abrupt change that upended life half-a-million years earlier - chicken bones.



Temple row needs fixing

Oped, Editorial, Published on 04/07/2023

» A long-standing row between the abbot of Wat Kalaya and the noble Pravitra family demonstrates loopholes in conservation laws and poor enforcement as several heritage places are being threatened in the name of development.



Dutch king makes historic apology for slavery

AFP, Published on 02/07/2023

» AMSTERDAM: Dutch King Willem-Alexander issued a historic royal apology Saturday for the Netherlands' involvement in slavery, saying he felt "personally and intensely" affected.



Dutch king makes historic apology for slavery

Published on 01/07/2023

» AMSTERDAM: Dutch King Willem-Alexander issued a historic royal apology on Saturday for the Netherlands’ involvement in slavery, saying he felt “personally and intensely” affected.



Young Thai chefs shake up Bangkok's food scene

AFP, Published on 29/06/2023

» Thitid Tassanakajohn has a degree in economics from Thailand's top university but turned his back on a stable career in finance to launch a high-end restaurant in Bangkok -- a city famed for its street food.