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Global crises demand unified action

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/05/2024

» The world is facing unprecedented crises. Without revitalising the collective spirit backed by action, the survival of humanity could be at risk.



Towards strategic Thai-French ties

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/05/2024

» In April 2022, Thailand learned that French President Emmanuel Macron was keen to engage with the Asia-Pacific region in person. As the host of the 32nd Asia-Pacific Economic Leaders' Meeting (Apec) in October of that year, former deputy prime minister and foreign minister Don Pramudwinai quickly issued an invitation to the president to attend as a guest. The rest, as they say, is history.



The secret new Thai-French relations

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 21/11/2023

» The photos at the Elysee Palace in Paris said it all. French President Emmanuel Macron posing with Somdet Phra Maha Theerajarn -- the abbot of Wat Pho -- their hands firmly clasped, not only manifested the affinity between Thailand and France, but also their leaders and people, as well as their spiritual inspiration.



Thai 3Rs secret to handling US, China

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/07/2022

» Recent visits by the foreign ministers of China and the US created lots of buzz among the Thai public and diplomatic community regarding the direction of Thai foreign policy. Many questions were raised but no satisfactory answers were given.



6 reasons to recalibrate Thai-US ties

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/06/2022

» After years of benign neglect, Thailand is seeing some earth-shaking developments from the US, with the Biden administration apparently suddenly realising that Thailand remains a key ally in the region that has not yet been fully utilised. At this juncture, the time is right. Both countries are planning to commemorate the 190th anniversary of their diplomatic relations next year. Across the world, the war in Ukraine has already generating long-term regional repercussions, helping to highlight the state of the Thai-US alliance.



Russia's war and its regional impact

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 29/03/2022

» Last week in Brussels, US President Joe Biden suggested that Russia should be removed from the Group of Twenty, or G20 as it is more commonly known, the economic forum of industrialised and developing countries. He reiterated that with the ongoing Russian-Ukraine war, it could not be business as usual for Russia in international institutions and the international community. Mr Biden's comment sent a shockwave through Asean capitals. During the second and third week of November, Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand are hosting different summits with Russia, as a key member, along with China and the US and its allies. These meetings are the G20, East Asia Summit and Apec leaders' meeting. They could be two hubristic weeks of summits.



New pragmatism on the rise in Asean

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/02/2022

» While the Myanmar quagmire will continue to dominate Asean's agenda under Cambodia and future chairs, one must not forget that the current chair must also deal with a myriad of challenges across all sectors of the grouping's ongoing cooperation. The much-awaited foreign ministerial retreat last Thursday has once again shown that Asean remains a closely knit, pragmatic family.



Thailand's high stakes for Apec 2022

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 09/11/2021

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha was happy to have a chat and a photo with US President Joe Biden at COP26 in Glasgow last week. Gen Prayut also took the opportunity to personally invite Mr Biden to Bangkok for the Asia-Pacific Economic Leaders Meeting (Apec) in late November next year. He could have done the same to Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin if they were there but unfortunately but both leaders only participated in COP26 via online.



Imagining a post-coronavirus world

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 31/03/2020

» Prior to the World Health Organization categorising the Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic, nobody would have imagined that the most of the world would be in lockdown as it is today, with over one billion people forced to stop doing their daily routines as they are advised to stay at home to avoid contracting and/or spreading the virus. To survive, each affected country, big or small, will have to use whatever skills and resources they have to fight this common enemy.