Search Result for “Mohamad Mahathir”

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It'll take more than patriotism to save the ringgit

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 28/03/2024

» Malaysia wants to be great again, at least in foreign exchange. The nation's currency recently approached a level seen as near-catastrophic during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. Authorities insist the ringgit is way too cheap and blame forces outside the country, chiefly high interest rates in the US. The remedies are modest, compared with the shock therapy meted out a couple of decades ago.



Held Uyghurs need asylum

Oped, Editorial, Published on 13/03/2024

» Today, exactly 10 years ago, Thai police arrested 350 Uyghurs in a forest along the Thai-Malaysian border in Songkhla on suspicion of passing illegally through the country en route to Malaysia to seek asylum. After the arrests, which grabbed global headlines, the Uyghurs were separated to face different destinies. The Prayut government sent 109 back to China, as requested by Beijing.



Anwar Ibrahim's quiet triumph in Malaysia

Oped, Published on 07/11/2023

» The path from political prisoner to political power is by no means well-trodden, but those who have made the arduous journey in recent decades include luminaries such as Nelson Mandela, Jawaharlal Nehru, Aung San Suu Kyi, Michelle Bachelet, and Vaclav Havel. To this august group must be added Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who, after nine years in prison, is now showing the same zeal as Mandela did for institutional and economic reform rooted in democratic values.



Time for an Asian Monetary Fund

Oped, Published on 14/06/2023

» Although the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has long been the most prominent global institution for promoting financial stability, calls to create regional alternatives are growing louder.



Is this a new dawn for Malaysia?

Oped, Published on 11/01/2023

» In 2007, on the 50th anniversary of Malaysia's independence, Nobel laureate economist Joseph E Stiglitz celebrated the "miracle" of the country's economic rise and creation of a vibrant multiethnic society. In the 15 years that followed, however, revelations of large-scale corruption and abuse of foreign workers damaged Malaysia's international reputation and fueled domestic political instability.


Malaysian polls see Islamist surge

News, Published on 23/11/2022

» Malaysia's election has not immediately resulted in a new government, but it has produced an instant winner -- political Islam.



Elections and old ties grip SE Asia

News, Editorial, Published on 23/10/2022

» The Southeast Asian region is entering election mode -- starting with the upcoming snap election in Malaysia next month, followed by the national election next year in Thailand, which is tentatively set for May, and Cambodia's poll in July.



Jailing Najib is a win for Malaysia

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 25/08/2022

» Let's hear it for Malaysia. Something unimaginable just a few years ago has transpired. A former prime minister, the scion of a prominent political dynasty who retained a strong grassroots following as a top lawmaker, has been sentenced to prison. His fall is a tonic, however brief, for a country whose politics in recent years have been marred by rancor, cynicism and a revolving door of weak governments.



Time to neutralise cobras' venom

News, Editorial, Published on 31/07/2022

» After surviving a fraught two years under three different governments, Malaysian lawmakers finally pulled the trigger on a long-awaited move this week. In a bid to ensure improve the nation's political stability, their parliament passed a bipartisan bill to make defections illegal.



Dual task: Save Asean, save Myanmar

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/10/2021

» Never before in the 54-year history of Asean had its members encountered such a bitter debate about the situation in Myanmar as they did last Monday when they unknowingly nearly tore down the founding fathers’ commitment to keep the Asean roof over all countries in Southeast Asia.