Search Result for “Leave The World Behind”

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Deep dive into Indo-Pacific dreamscape

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 02/08/2024

» Is the term "Indo-Pacific" an illusion? Or is it a defined concept, a geographical configuration, a channel for connectivity, and/or a confining strategy? Perhaps it embodies an all-embracing blend, waiting for the onlooker to dive deep into political undercurrents. It may also be time to move beyond the landscape and the seascape and even leave the dreamscape behind.



Gender gaps in politics and business

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 30/03/2024

» Thailand's most recent report on women's rights -- available on the United Nations' website -- is part of the eighth cycle of reporting under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), to which the country became a party in 1985.



An Israel-Palestine conflict explainer

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 23/10/2023

» The armed attacks by militants from the Gaza Strip, an area controlled primarily by the Hamas group, into southern Israel in early October and the subsequent armed responses from Israel deserve to be put in a historical and political context. Gaza is one of the two parts of Palestinian territory, the other part being the West Bank, both of which are part of an age-old conflict which has not been resolved but regrettably has been left to fester.


Protecting migrants, refugees in our age of conflict

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 07/01/2020

» There are about 270 million international migrants today who cross borders in search of new vistas. Many such as "expatriates" do well. However, many, particularly those who are pushed out of their homes, are caught in a trap of dislocation, dispossession and coercion, often due to armed conflicts, discrimination and violence. The number of forced migrants now stands at about 70 million people globally -- some 30 million who cross borders as "refugees" and some 40 million forced to move in their country of origin as "internally displaced persons".



The new face of gender equality

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 09/02/2018

» Welcome to some innovative and refreshing action in favour of gender equality recently! A few days ago, Malaysia’s highest court, the Federal Court, passed a judgement in favour of a Hindu woman whose husband had changed his religion to Islam, without her knowledge, and whose husband then changed the religion of the children to Islam, without the mother’s consent. The court underlined that consent on the part of both parents was needed to change the religion of the children.



Toward global compacts on refugees and migrants

Asia focus, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 29/01/2018

» 2018 is a significant year for the global community to converge on two commitments: the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The seeds for these agreements were sown in 2016 when leaders adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants which called for an international framework for cooperation by 2018. The current momentum is to adopt such compacts in the latter half of 2018, and Thailand has been completing a round of discussions as potential inputs.



UN's next human security challenge

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 30/05/2016

» The security of the human person -- "human security" -- is of paramount concern whether in war or peace. As a notion to guiding international and national development since the 1990s, it has gained traction in underlining freedom from want, freedom from fear and freedom to live in dignity. It is thus auspicious that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organising a key international conference tomorrow on human security and sustainable development, sharing and learning between international, regional and national experiences.