Search Result for “Human Rights Watch”

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Thailand again bids for UNHRC seat

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/03/2024

» The human rights condition in Thailand is paradoxical. A liberal mindset does not regard the country as a democracy. Instead, it sees it as one lacking in freedom of expression and constantly violating the rights of its own citizens.



Cambodia: Asean's spoiler or saviour?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 04/01/2022

» Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will be the Tatmadaw's first guest of honour in Nay Pyi Taw this weekend. Whatever the outcome of his two-day trip, it will have both intended and unintended consequences for the future of the Asean process, especially the five-point consensus (FPC). For nearly a year since the coup on Feb 1, Asean has assumed the role of peacemaker, going strictly by the book to ensure that the crisis in Myanmar would come to an end through the grouping's agency and good practices.



We must end torture in all its forms

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 21/09/2021

» The whole country has been shocked by a video clip of a rogue police officer torturing a drug suspect to death last month. The Thai public generally know and accept that the Thai police are not good cops but to watch them from their living rooms so blatantly torturing a man was a bit too much. The drama helped lawmakers pass the draft bill on prevention and suppression of torture and enforced disappearances last week without any objection; that same bill that was quickly dismissed in the parliamentary debate some six years ago.



What might have been at Vegas summit

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 03/03/2020

» The Asean officials preparing for the March 14 special Asean-US Summit were greatly relieved when the White House announced on Friday that the Las Vegas rendezvous would be postponed due to Covid-19 fears. Indeed, with exactly two weeks to go before the event, the Asean side was still wondering what the "deliverable milestones" of their summit were likely to be.



Asean-EU ties: seeking a middle path

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 18/02/2020

» Joseph Borrell, the new EU foreign minister, revealed down-to-earth pragmatism in a recent article, writing: "We Europeans must adjust our mental maps to deal with the world as it is, not as we hoped it would be." If this is the fresh path that the EU is following, Europe may become the most respected and powerful grouping of nations in the world. And it could all start right here in this region.



Random thoughts from Trump's nation

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/06/2018

» 'Iknow Bruce Lee. Aargh...aargh...aargh…!," screamed a black driver in front of me at the intersection near the Marriott Hotel in Rockville, Maryland.