Search Result for “14-day quarantine”

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More agile Covid curbs needed

News, Editorial, Published on 08/05/2022

» Reports that the government is considering scrapping the Thailand Pass for locals re-entering the country is welcome news as it will eliminate another travel restriction.



Beijing steels itself for the Winter Games

Oped, Published on 28/01/2022

» Back in July last year, the International Olympic Committee announced a change to the Olympic motto, adding the word "Together" to its old 125-year-old "Faster, Higher, Stronger" banner. It was meant to signify the importance of standing together in solidarity. But as Beijing readies itself to host this year's Winter Olympics, its focus is on keeping people apart.



Moral conundrum

Oped, Postbag, Published on 15/01/2022

» Re: "Bill on media council gets cabinet nod," (BP, Jan 13). When we read in "Bill on media council gets cabinet nod" that "the exercise of media freedoms must not infringe on social mores", all who value good public morals will be deeply concerned. This must be so since being a social mores never has and cannot of itself guarantee that any belief, custom, or attitude is morally good.



Can Hun Manet deliver in the top job?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/12/2021

» It has taken Prime Minister Hun Sen almost a decade to announce his political successor, which he did on Dec 2. At first, he has in mind at least four choices -- the first pair comprising his two sons, Hun Manet and Hun Many and the second pair of senior colleagues, Sar Kheng and Say Chumm of Cambodia People's Party. Then, he decided to focus on the first pair.



Coming to grips with Omicron

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 06/12/2021

» The world was shaken again last week as the latest coronavirus variant emerged. First detected in South Africa a week earlier, Omicron is now a "variant of concern" -- the most serious category used by the World Health Organization, which said it poses a "very high" risk to public health.



Thailand Pass needs fixing

Oped, Editorial, Published on 19/11/2021

» Hours after Digital Economy and Society Minister, Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, assured the public that every bug that crippled the Thailand Pass system had been fixed, several prospective travellers still found themselves frustrated with the process.



Madness never ends

Oped, Postbag, Published on 17/11/2021

» Re: "Off to a shaky start," (BP, Nov 14).


Tribute to journo

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/11/2021

» Re: "Veteran Post writer dies at 77", (BP, Oct 30).


Our reopening looms, but are we really ready?

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 19/10/2021

» The country is set to reopen in two weeks but only two million, affordable rapid test kits have been made available and through only eight retail outlets of the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), all located in Bangkok.



Opening needs caution with every step

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 18/10/2021

» Living with Covid-19 seems to be the inconvenient reality that several countries have accepted after realising that, unless there is an effective vaccine that can protect us from getting infected, the virus will remain with us and affect our livelihoods for the foreseeable future.