Search Result for “development policy”

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Can Thailand lead reboot of the ACD?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 24/09/2024

» In 2002, Thailand brought together major Asian nations to form the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD). It was a bold and visionary move to create a powerful platform to foster pan-Asian economic integration after the 1997 Asia financial crisis or the Tom Yum Kung crisis.



US can't rely on inflation shamanism

News, Published on 23/09/2024

» Google "shamanism" and you will find that it is "a tradition of part-time religious specialists who establish and maintain personalistic relations with specific spirit beings through the use of controlled and culturally scripted altered states of consciousness." Every element of that definition applies to monetary policymaking today, as illustrated by the reaction to the US Federal Reserve's Sept 18 decision to cut the short-term interest rate by 50 basis points.



Surviving a climate disaster isn't a vote-changer

News, Published on 20/09/2024

» This year, elections and extreme weather events have collided: In India, the spring general election was snarled by a heat wave that killed dozens of people, including poll workers. In Germany, severe flooding prompted evacuations just days before elections for the European Parliament. And in the US, people attending campaign rallies have fallen ill from record-breaking heat.



Tracking air quality the right way

News, Published on 19/09/2024

» Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) summarises global progress on malaria control. It details the number of cases in affected countries, shows year-on-year changes, outlines goals, and assesses the current funding landscape. The United Nations puts out a similar annual report for HIV/Aids. This regular tracking of serious public-health concerns is essential for addressing them effectively, because it can help channel resources to where they are most needed and identify interventions that are working.



Securing the Mekong's water future

Oped, Published on 18/09/2024

» Today, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) and Mekong River Commission (MRC) kick off a second round of talks about water security.


Overcapacity in China causing global concern

Oped, Published on 18/09/2024

» Chinese overcapacity is raising concerns worldwide. It is easy to see why: China accounts for nearly one-third of the world's value-added manufacturing, and one-fifth of global manufacturing exports. But there is good reason to believe that the decline of China's manufacturing sector is imminent.



Unplugging the electricity monopoly

Oped, Rapeepat Ingkasit, Published on 18/09/2024

» Thailand's electricity prices remain stubbornly high, burdening consumers and businesses alike.



Solving the Myanmar migrant surge

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/09/2024

» With the civil conflict in Myanmar showing no signs of abating soon, Thailand faces formidable challenges in irregular migration from the country. Without adequate and sustainable solutions, Thailand's overall development, including its economy, society, and security, will be seriously impacted.



Let the capable lead

News, Editorial, Published on 16/09/2024

» The recent scandal involving an alleged audio clip of former deputy prime minister and Palang Pracharath Party leader Gen Prawit Wongsuwon talking about promotions has reignited concerns about Thailand's deep-rooted patronage system in civil service appointments.



Energy ghost resurrected

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/09/2024

» Each new government must apparently now have its own "flagship" energy policy.