Search Result for “social media”

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Rise of the killer 'toys'

Oped, Editorial, Published on 31/05/2024

» As we celebrate World No Tobacco Day today, society, especially parents, are facing a new challenge -- the rise of young smokers and deceptively packaged but harmful tobacco products like "toy pods", the fifth generation of e-cigarettes designed to be both collectable and appealing to youngsters.



How green is the energy from our hydro dams?

Oped, Published on 29/05/2024

» Thailand’s National Energy Plan (NEP), a blueprint for the country’s energy strategy from 2023 to 2037, has earned praise for its noble goal of increasing the use of clean, renewable energy. The plan states that by 2050, half of the electricity consumed locally must be clean and renewable energy — solar cells, wind, biomass, small nuclear and hydro dams.



What explains BJP's stellar rise?

Oped, Published on 29/05/2024

» India, with 968 million eligible voters, is currently holding the largest exercise of democratic rights in the world. Elections are being held in India from April 19 to June 1, and the results will be declared next Tuesday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) -- the world's largest political party -- is widely expected to win.



Global crises demand unified action

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/05/2024

» The world is facing unprecedented crises. Without revitalising the collective spirit backed by action, the survival of humanity could be at risk.



Recipe for school success

News, Editorial, Published on 27/05/2024

» A recent proposal to establish a department of secondary education as a means to improve education quality in Thailand is poorly thought-out.



Telling fortunes 'a nice little earner'

Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/05/2024

» A recent Thai news story concerned a man nabbed in an online fortune-telling scam. He would inform customers suffering from misfortune that their situation would dramatically improve if for a small fee he made a few prayers on his "direct line" to the deities in heaven.



What do Indian women want from poll?

Oped, Published on 25/05/2024

» Since April 19, the day general elections began in India, voters have queued up outside polling booths, braving a muggy, scorching heatwave. The mood appears mostly upbeat. Voters talk to TV news reporters. They articulate wishes for change or belief in the incumbent leader.



PM's drug reforms echo past errors

Oped, Published on 24/05/2024

» When Thailand's Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin announced plans to reschedule cannabis as a narcotic and reduce the threshold for possession of methamphetamine for personal use (not for supply to others) from five pills to one, he signalled a return to drug policies championed over two decades ago. He called for crackdowns on people in the drug trade, for people who use drugs to be placed into rehabilitation facilities and demanded results in 90 days.



Sam Yan shows need to save history

Oped, Published on 23/05/2024

» What distinguishes Thailand from many other countries is our rich diversity in culture and history. Yet slowly but surely, the distinctive heritage of our local communities is disappearing. Often property developers destroy historic buildings in pursuit of profit. But why do their rights always seem to come first? Why do we have to beg to protect our cultural assets?



Why the US can't win trade war with China

Oped, Published on 22/05/2024

» Allegations about China's manufacturing overcapacity have sparked heated discussions among policymakers. During her visit to China in April, US Treasury Secretary Janet L Yellen reportedly argued that "when the global market is flooded by artificially cheap Chinese products, the viability of American and other foreign firms is put into question", adding that it was the same story a decade ago.