Search Result for “troops”

Showing 21 - 30 of 207



Red Sea raids push US and allies to crunch point

News, Peter Apps, Published on 15/01/2024

» When the United States and 11 allies published a joint statement last week calling for an end to Houthi attacks from Yemen on Red Sea shipping, they hoped the implicit threat of force might at least reduce the intensity of fire on foreign vessels.



Meaningful policy on Myanmar needed

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 09/01/2024

» The fall of Laukkai in Myanmar's Kokang Self-Administered Zone to rebel forces is one of the most significant developments in the conflict in Myanmar since the coup took place in 2021. Why? It shows the State Administration Council's (SAC) inability to protect its territory from the Three Brotherhood Alliance, which launched a fierce offensive dubbed "Operation 1027" at the end of October last year, threatening the junta's hold on the northern Shan state, which borders China, and other remote areas in the region.



Israel held hostage -- and  Joe Biden, too

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 06/01/2024

» Israel is withdrawing some troops from Gaza because the reservists who were called up for the fighting amount to 10%–15% of the country's workforce and the economy is showing the strain. But "nobody is talking about doves of peace flying", said a senior Israeli official. The intense fighting in Gaza will continue "for six months at least".



Red Sea crisis presents US, allies with tough choices

News, Peter Apps, Published on 25/12/2023

» As the Pentagon asked allies to provide warships for an international task force to protect Red Sea commercial shipping from mounting drone attacks from Yemen last week, one of the United States' closest partners appeared to be holding back.



Gaza: The ones bombed and their bombers

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 22/12/2023

» Yesterday, the known death toll of Palestinians in Gaza since Oct 7 reached 20,000.



Charm blitz a smokescreen

Oped, Editorial, Published on 19/12/2023

» As the public has been focused on the government's "soft power" push and what it actually means, little attention has been paid to the subtle attempts by the armed forces to woo ministers and lawmakers into giving them what they want.



Ukraine: War, peace and the US Congress

Oped, Published on 16/12/2023

» We are approaching Ukraine's second Christmas at war with Russia. Gone are the heady days and David and Goliath moments of tough and plucky Ukraine stunning the Russian bear and, against all odds and predictions, presumably turning the military tide on the aggressor.



Casino plans need rethink

Oped, Editorial, Published on 11/11/2023

» The plight of the 160-plus Thais who were duped to work in call centres and casinos in Myanmar's Shan state reminds us of the alarming reality that Thailand is becoming a major transit route for human trafficking and money laundering for casino businesses and online scams in the lower Mekong region.



Thai workers trapped in Kokang hell

Oped, Paskorn Jumlongrach, Published on 11/11/2023

» A mother whose son had been trapped in the conflict-ridden area in Kokang on the Myanmar-Chinese border trembled as she recalled the brutality the young man faced.



Isoc's role in society

Published on 06/11/2023

» Re: "Isoc brass return fire following criticism of unit", (BP, Nov 5).