Search Result for “$3 million”

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Lower-income nations' jab lessons

Oped, Published on 24/01/2024

» There was a global sigh of relief when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared in May 2023 that Covid-19 was no longer a public-health emergency of international concern. But there is no room for complacency. The pandemic has represented an urgent warning about weak health systems and has served as an impetus to strengthen them ahead of a possible new variant or the emergence of a new pathogen.



Myanmar must fully implement 5PC

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 23/01/2024

» All credible sources indicate that since Operation 1027 was launched at the end of October, the State Administration Council (SAC) has lost approximately 469 military bases in various parts of Myanmar.



Poor states will struggle to get rich

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 18/01/2024

» For the billions of people around the world who live in countries that are not yet fully economically developed, I have some disturbing news: The very last chance for their nations to reach developed status might come in this generation.



Stingy on students

Oped, Postbag, Published on 13/01/2024

» Re: "PM pledges new drive for 'zero dropouts'", (BP, Jan 11) and "Revamping child policy", (Editorial, Jan 10).



Live and let live

News, Editorial, Published on 11/01/2024

» By throwing cold water on the Move Forward Party's (MFP) call for a live broadcast of the second reading of the 3.48-trillion-baht budget bill, the Srettha Thavisin government shows it has scant regard for transparency regarding such crucial matters.



The danger of talking down immigration in Oz

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 11/01/2024

» Pre-pandemic Australia looks like hallowed ground that the contemporary economy will struggle to surpass. For local officials who aspire to take a crack at emulating a celebrated decades-long expansion, it's important not to downgrade a vital component that's become radioactive: immigration. The country's politicians are showing a worrying lapse in memory.



Mining on the Moon a boon of prestige rivalry

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/01/2024

» What could be so rare and valuable that it would be worth going all the way to the Moon to get some?



Braving hurdles for green transport

News, Sumet Ongkittikul, Published on 10/01/2024

» 'Match your words with your actions." That was the message from teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg when she sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 2019 instead of flying to attend the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York.



Meaningful policy on Myanmar needed

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 09/01/2024

» The fall of Laukkai in Myanmar's Kokang Self-Administered Zone to rebel forces is one of the most significant developments in the conflict in Myanmar since the coup took place in 2021. Why? It shows the State Administration Council's (SAC) inability to protect its territory from the Three Brotherhood Alliance, which launched a fierce offensive dubbed "Operation 1027" at the end of October last year, threatening the junta's hold on the northern Shan state, which borders China, and other remote areas in the region.



HK has a new breed of stressed money seekers

News, Shuli Ren, Published on 05/01/2024

» Just when people started to give up on Hong Kong's relevance as a financial hub, a new breed of money seekers is coming to town.