Search Result for “building”

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What explains BJP's stellar rise?

Oped, Published on 29/05/2024

» India, with 968 million eligible voters, is currently holding the largest exercise of democratic rights in the world. Elections are being held in India from April 19 to June 1, and the results will be declared next Tuesday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) -- the world's largest political party -- is widely expected to win.



Global crises demand unified action

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/05/2024

» The world is facing unprecedented crises. Without revitalising the collective spirit backed by action, the survival of humanity could be at risk.



Better way to boost morale

Oped, Editorial, Published on 24/05/2024

» The new "Cops Combat" martial arts competition of the Royal Thai Police may have drawn criticism for potentially undermining the chain of command. Yet, the competition, which promises to be a "test of valour beyond the badge", is a good start as the RTP is acknowledging problems of morale on the ground.



Sam Yan shows need to save history

Oped, Published on 23/05/2024

» What distinguishes Thailand from many other countries is our rich diversity in culture and history. Yet slowly but surely, the distinctive heritage of our local communities is disappearing. Often property developers destroy historic buildings in pursuit of profit. But why do their rights always seem to come first? Why do we have to beg to protect our cultural assets?



Build trust in Thai rice

Oped, Editorial, Published on 21/05/2024

» The all-out effort by the Pheu Thai-led government to auction decade-old rice from Yingluck's rice-pledging scheme raises questions about the party's political acumen.


Break the development gridlock

News, Published on 20/05/2024

» How can the world attain sustainable human development when the gaps between rich and poor countries and inequality within countries are widening after the Covid-19 pandemic?



Green push needs united approach

News, Published on 20/05/2024

» Bridging the divide between agriculture and forestry is imperative for climate action. The global and national race is on to steeply reduce emissions over the next six years. According to the watershed Global Stocktake report, released ahead of COP28 in Dubai, we face the daunting task of reducing emissions by 43% by 2030 to retain the possibility of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees by the end of the century, and 27% to stabilise at a 2-degree temperature increase. Since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015, we have managed only to be on track for a 2% reduction in emissions against 2019 baselines. Each subsequent year, we collectively feel the impacts of a hotter, more volatile climate as new records are set for temperature and natural disasters.



NACC sparks problems

Oped, Editorial, Published on 18/05/2024

» The decision by the Rayong Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases on May 13 to acquit Itthipol Kunplome of granting an illegal construction permit for a high-rise condo project in Pattaya again raises questions about the performance of the National Anti-Corruption Commission -- our independent graft-busting agency.


A turning point for clean cooking

Oped, Published on 15/05/2024

» For most of her life, Florence Auma Ode cooked over an open fire in her Kenyan home. The resulting smoke coated the walls with a layer of soot and filled her lungs -- and those of her family members -- with particulate matter.



For China, Europe visit part of a wider confrontation

News, Peter Apps, Published on 14/05/2024

» In the Serbian village of Budjanovci outside Belgrade, people have talked for years about the Chinese teams that descended on the area following the shooting down of a US F-117 stealth fighter in March 1999, offering to buy pieces of wreckage taken by villagers as souvenirs.