Search Result for “thailand”

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6 reasons to recalibrate Thai-US ties

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/06/2022

» After years of benign neglect, Thailand is seeing some earth-shaking developments from the US, with the Biden administration apparently suddenly realising that Thailand remains a key ally in the region that has not yet been fully utilised. At this juncture, the time is right. Both countries are planning to commemorate the 190th anniversary of their diplomatic relations next year. Across the world, the war in Ukraine has already generating long-term regional repercussions, helping to highlight the state of the Thai-US alliance.



India and Asean at 30: What's up?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 21/06/2022

» On its own, India stands tall and fearless. It long and continued civilisational linkages in the Indo-Pacific are there for all to see. One of the most frequently asked questions today is: Will India lead the Indo-Pacific region? Or, one can turn the question around: Can India lead or does the world's largest democracy have to trail behind the West? It depends on the levels and persons you talk to.



Asean: Where US, China can reconcile?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/06/2022

» Southeast Asia is unenviably the region to which the major powers, be they the US, China, the European Union, India, Russia, Australia or Japan, are according to the highest priority at this juncture. All of these countries are on the same page as far as Asean is concerned. An Asean that is stable, peaceful, and focused on regional economic integration would be beneficial to the international community. This trend is in reverse in other parts of the world.



Boosting Thai-US ties in an age of crisis

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 31/05/2022

» The Thailand-US alliance is still alive and well but in order to move forward, both sides have to ramp up dialogues, sharpen their focus and enhance their cooperation. That was the conclusion from the nine hours of discussions from May 9-10 in Washington between their senior foreign affairs and defence officials.



Behind the scenes: Thailand's IPEF talks

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 24/05/2022

» At the weekly cabinet meeting last week, item No.15 was one of the most important issues up for discussion. This concerned a planned statement on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) proposed by US President Joe Biden. The cabinet was quick to agree that Thailand was named as a signatory when Mr Biden announced the new trade agreement during his visit to Japan.



'Sceptical' Asean vis-a-vis 'maverick' US

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 10/05/2022

» The timing and venue of the upcoming special summit between Asean and US leaders later this week are extraordinary. However, the ways in which the unusual strategic circumstances and tensions could further shape the trajectory of Asean-US relations remain to be seen. With the new schedule of the May 12-13 summit in Washington DC and the fresh developments on the ground at home and abroad, the summit will be conducted in a very cautious manner to prevent any spill-over effects or unintended consequences. Indeed, there is a high level of scepticism among the Asean members as to what the US has up its sleeve. The American gung-ho rhetoric has been quite worrisome.



Asean tackling aid for Myanmar people

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 03/05/2022

» Despite setbacks due to the unsettled domestic conditions inside Myanmar since the coup in February 2021, Asean is moving ahead to explore practical ways to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the affected peoples of Myanmar, the number of which will soon reach one million.



Japan pushes new diplomatic profile

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/04/2022

» During Golden Week, around the first week of May, Japanese politicians will usually spend time at home with their constituencies and families. Not the prime minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, however. He knows full well that as the world's third-largest economy, Japan's wider diplomatic and security profile in the era of great disruption with the Russia-Ukraine war must be underlined. No time to waste.



Asean-US to meet amid great challenges

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/04/2022

» After more than six months of negotiations, the US and Asean have finally agreed that their leaders will meet in Washington DC on May 12-13. This kind of tussle could have been avoided had there been better coordination from the US side.



How to survive in a binary world

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 05/04/2022

» Like it or not, we are today living in a bifurcated world as never seen before. In the past, the so-called divided world was half real and half imagined, with no clearly defined red line. That gave a lot of room for diplomatic manoeuvring to all countries not wanting to be caught in an unfriendly situation. Today, this room is becoming smaller and more toxic.