
Showing 21 - 30 of 34


We need more civility in the service

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/03/2013

» The phrase "civil servant" means different things for different people. Some parents dream of their children becoming civil servants because they feel the job is honourable and stable. Some look at it with disdain, associating it with corruption and back-stabbing. Some respect civil servants, many look down on them. There is no right or wrong.


Not all entertainment is for everyone

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 25/04/2013

» This month, Thailand's movie industry witnessed a historic record, with Pee Mak Phra Khanong raking in more than 500 million baht within a few weeks. As a Thai, I feel proud that a Thai movie can be so successful, more successful than most foreign movies have been.


Much ado about education

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 15/01/2013

» One of the biggest worries for parents, and trust me there are many, is which school their child will end up in. When I was not yet a mother, a lot of people said, and I assumed it was a joke, that you have to start thinking about your child's school the moment you know you're pregnant. How ridiculous is that? Six or seven years ahead of time?


Hoping for green light for green space

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 19/02/2013

» Ever since my son started school, all I'd been dreaming of was for his semester break to come, because the early mornings were taking their toll on me. When it finally rolled around, I was faced with a big question: What are we going to do?


Skipping the unhealthy bad news breakfast

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/11/2012

» Apart from coffee, my second favourite thing to consume every morning is news and information. The moment I wake up, I check my phone to see if there are new emails or messages, and proceed to check my Facebook and Twitter to see what everyone is talking about. While having breakfast I used to leave the television on to watch a popular morning news programme. I would also read some of the Thai newspapers that my family subscribes to.


When getting stopped does not stop

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 04/10/2012

» I used to enjoy taking a stroll around the department store, when it was all about free air-conditioning, window shopping and walking aimlessly. All that had to stop when I had a baby because it just wasn't convenient _ what with diapers changing and uncontrollable wailing (my son's, not mine). Now that he is in school, I have some (albeit limited) free time to spend walking around my favourite neighbourhood department store.


Catch the runaway butterflies

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 23/08/2012

» Two months ago, we were shocked, or even dismayed, by a report about the soon-to-be-graduate who took her own life. Heavy criticism ensued. Some even said she deserved to die for being stupid enough to take her life just because her cosmetic surgery had gone wrong.


Becoming a mouse-clicking hero

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 15/05/2012

» A friend of mine posted a link to a video clip titled "Isn't She an Animal?", and wrote: "Please help share this video clip as much as possible. Get the word out. This mother is evil!"


The baby formula witch hunt

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/06/2012

» While reading a parenting magazine recently, I came across a piece of news about a campaign to promote breastfeeding. This is nothing new _ we all know that breast milk is wonderful and all babies should be breastfed for as long as possible. But at what price?


Equal is artificial sweetener

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 08/03/2012

» March 8 has been marked International Women's Day since 1911, and it's been 101 years on this remarkable journey in which people worldwide celebrate women's success, and are reminded of inequalities still to be redressed.