
Showing 71 - 79 of 79


Skipping the unhealthy bad news breakfast

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/11/2012

» Apart from coffee, my second favourite thing to consume every morning is news and information. The moment I wake up, I check my phone to see if there are new emails or messages, and proceed to check my Facebook and Twitter to see what everyone is talking about. While having breakfast I used to leave the television on to watch a popular morning news programme. I would also read some of the Thai newspapers that my family subscribes to.


Catch the runaway butterflies

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 23/08/2012

» Two months ago, we were shocked, or even dismayed, by a report about the soon-to-be-graduate who took her own life. Heavy criticism ensued. Some even said she deserved to die for being stupid enough to take her life just because her cosmetic surgery had gone wrong.


The baby formula witch hunt

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/06/2012

» While reading a parenting magazine recently, I came across a piece of news about a campaign to promote breastfeeding. This is nothing new _ we all know that breast milk is wonderful and all babies should be breastfed for as long as possible. But at what price?


Nothing to fear but traffic police

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/04/2012

» The death toll during the Songkran holidays this year was 320, with 3,320 reported injuries. I've seen these numbers for decades, but it wasn't until this year that I had a close encounter with an accident that put an eye-opening spin on these statistics. They are not just numbers. They are people with faces. In fact, I have seen two of those 3,320 unfortunate people.


Overworked, overlooked and over here

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 01/05/2012

» Labour Day, for some, is just another day off work that allows them to take a walk in one of the air-conditioned malls. For many, it is another day that they have to work in those malls, serving the middle-class salary people who have worked oh-so-laboriously that they deserve another day off.


Becoming a mouse-clicking hero

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 15/05/2012

» A friend of mine posted a link to a video clip titled "Isn't She an Animal?", and wrote: "Please help share this video clip as much as possible. Get the word out. This mother is evil!"


And they call it puppy love

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 14/02/2012

» A friend of mine once told me that St Valentine's Day, for single women (not so much for single men), is when holiday and hell cross over. Everywhere you go, you see couples professing undying love, carrying big, overpriced bouquets. Restaurants are packed and full of lovey-dovey couples. Even little kids put heart stickers on their friends' shirt to show some love. What's a single woman to do? Panic, panic!


An escalating problem

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 21/02/2012

» You might think that three years in kindergarten, 12 years in school and four years in university would teach all the basics needed for daily life. If not, then your parents should have helped bridge any missing gaps in your knowledge. Apparently however, neither the education system nor many parents teach children about some important manners. It might sound like a trivial thing, but for a society in which department stores are everyone's second home, escalator etiquette is important.


Equal is artificial sweetener

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 08/03/2012

» March 8 has been marked International Women's Day since 1911, and it's been 101 years on this remarkable journey in which people worldwide celebrate women's success, and are reminded of inequalities still to be redressed.