
Showing 51 - 60 of 79


Act first, think later?

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 17/09/2014

» It is amazing how many “challenges” I have seen on my Facebook feed over the past month, starting with the Ice Bucket Challenge, which was taken up by hundreds of people in my social circle. Next came other, less serious challenges, like the “10 Books That Stay With You Challenge”, which means you have to list 10 books that stuck with you, but for which you end up listing books that make you sound smart. There's also the “ID Card Photo Challenge”, which asks you to post a horrifying ID card photo of yourself, for an unexplained reason.


E-bortion is not OK

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 17/10/2014

» Every day I see disturbing things on social media. Sometimes it's something minor, like boastful friends posting pictures of their latest luxurious purchase, but from time to time, some really depressing things emerge on my screen, such as the recent forum discussing the prevalence of "abortion pills".


Speak (and write) for your country

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 13/08/2014

» Thai people's reactions to a 12-year-old Burmese boy from Tak province winning the Thai Handwriting Competition earlier this month was very interesting.


The problem with financial trust

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 11/06/2014

» A few months ago, a person whom I would have described as a “close friend” up until the incident I’m about to share, contacted me out of the blue with two sentences: “Can I borrow 10,000 baht? I will pay you back in three days.”


Take pills with a pinch of salt

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 10/07/2014

» As a lifestyle writer, I receive a lot of emails and press releases from beauty clinics, anti-ageing service providers and health product companies. Most instantly end up in the Trash folder as soon as I see the word “supplementary”.


A wedding costs more than money

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 08/05/2014

» My little sister recently announced she is getting married. While my family is overwhelmed with joy, we are also filled with dread. We are instantly reminded of the chaotic preparations and insane expenses that my wedding, five years ago, entailed.


Don’t hate the player — hate the game

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/02/2014

» It is funny how either Thaksin or Suthep is blamed for virtually everything today. Recently, when the lights went out momentarily in my community, one of my neighbours cursed: “Thaksin is behind this. What an evil man, making people suffer like this!” When stuck in the usual traffic in front of a mall a few weeks back, the taxi driver complained: “Damn those protestors. Suthep is making us all suffer! He’s behind everything!”


Charged... with deadly misconduct

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 28/03/2014

» Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, sort of like an extra organ we can’t live without. Many of us are constantly checking how many Likes we’ve received on our most recent Facebook post, catching up with the latest episode of Thai melodrama Samee Tee Tra, sending meaningless stickers on Line and tapping away like a maniac in Cookie Run. Just look at the passengers on any given BTS train — how many of them don’t have their eyes locked on a screen?


The guilt of gifting

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 16/01/2014

» The festive season came and went, leaving tons of shredded gift wrap paper, plastic wrap, bags and boxes in its wake.


Little learning mistakes go a long way

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/11/2013

» Over the past few years, many of the interviews I see in magazines and newspapers mention the importance of preparing for the Asean Economic Community. A shabby kindergarten school near my house put up a sign proclaiming it has hired foreign teachers to prepare for the upcoming community. An entire shelf in bookstores displays everything with AEC in its name. Factories, fashion brands and even food chains are getting ready for 2015, when the bloc will go into effect. Most of them don't even know what the changes will entail.