
Showing 131 - 140 of 140



HK protest stems from economic plight

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 15/08/2019

» My column today was supposed to be an analysis of the Thai economic outlook for the remaining half-year of 2019. However, the ongoing massive upheaval in Hong Kong changed my mind.



Economy faces 4 key hurdles this year

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 01/08/2019

» The first half of 2019 has already passed and it is a well-known fact that the Thai economy is not in good shape. GDP growth has plummeted from 3.7% in the last quarter of 2018 to 2.8% in the first quarter of this year. Although second-quarter GDP growth will be officially announced soon, raw economic data from April to June indicates a weaker second quarter, particularly in the areas of exports and tourism.



Could the baht strengthen even further?

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 04/07/2019

» Just the other morning before I woke up, I dreamed that I was in line at a bank waiting to change my Thai baht into US dollars for an overseas trip. Once I got to the teller, she told me that today's baht-to-dollar exchange rate was 25.8 and asked how many dollars I wanted. I asked her to repeat the exchange rate again and she confirmed the rate of 25.8 baht to the dollar. I told myself that this must be a dream, and I woke up.



Online trading spells massive job losses

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 18/07/2019

» By writing about Sampheng, Bangkok's premier wholesale market, this column does not want to stress the weakness of the economy. It is pointless to keep whining about the sluggishness of the economy as it is already a well-known fact. Even the government can see the true picture of the economy by simply looking at its tax revenues. Poor-performing businesses do not pay taxes and jobless people also do not pay taxes.



'Debt Jubilee' a stop-gap for demand ills

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 06/06/2019

» Today's article is about a type of "Helicopter Money" policy to boost domestic demand which could be suitable for the Thai economy, at least for the time being.



Don't neglect the Ministry of Industry

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 20/06/2019

» Turn on the news. There is nothing much to watch except for Thai politics and the formation of the new cabinet. First, it is about the ministerial posts to be allocated to each coalition party. Then, the allocation of the posts within the parties. Finally, the specific names for each position.



Does Thailand need 'Helicopter Money'?

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 09/05/2019

» I first heard of the term "Helicopter Money" when I was in graduate school studying economics. The concept belongs to a famous Nobel Prize-winning economist, Milton Friedman, and is simple. A government supplies large amounts of money to the public, as if the money is being scattered from a helicopter. People then use the money to buy things.



Productivity slump behind Thailand's economic woes

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 23/05/2019

» Many of you might be waiting to read about an effective "helicopter money" policy to boost the Thai economy as I mentioned in my previous article. Of course, I have reached my conclusion on that strategy but I beg readers to wait and read today's article first. The reason is that without properly understanding the "real" economic problems, a demand-stimulating policy such as helicopter money would become useless and could do more harm than good.



The creaking burden of infrastructure

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 11/04/2019

» In my opinion, Thailand has invested too much on the wrong types of infrastructure, namely the rail mass transit system and high-speed train system. These systems, despite their usefulness, are far from being cost-effective and certainly are not affordable. The financial burden of having these systems not only involves the cost of building infrastructure, but the operating expenses as well.


Thailand's economy is headed for new recession

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 25/04/2019

» The key difference between a politician and an economist is that a politician establishes a goal, while an economist analyses the means to achieve that goal. For politicians, the ultimate goal is to control a society by becoming the government, and the means to achieve such goals are through laws and regulations.