
Showing 1 - 10 of 10


When modelling is no longer child's play

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 16/01/2013

» There's nothing particularly captivating about the photo. A model in a cropped tank-top and hot pants, or perhaps it's a skirt? The model is sitting straight with both legs bending to her right, her feet arched as if she's in five-inch stilettoes, although it's a pair of ballerina pumps she's wearing.


Let the punishment fit the crime

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 28/02/2013

» I'm an old-school mother who is reluctant to condone the modern school of spank-free parenting. Not that I enjoy handing out a spanking or two once my little one starts her meltdown routine. But as a single mother who works full-time, I guiltily admit I cannot afford a rod-free disciplinary method in order to ensure she grows up rational, conscientious and with self-esteem.


Function over form in affairs of the family

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 05/12/2012

» My seven-year-old daughter falls into a typical pretty-mirror-image-of-the-absent-father cliche. Brought up by her mother's family, she bears an unmistakable resemblance to her father _ large, deep-set eyes, full lips, and skinny limbs that betray her daily calorie intake, let alone the trace of developing rock star cheekbones.


How kids might get swallowed by tablets

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 06/09/2012

» The gigantic billboard casts its enigmatic presence over the motorway, greeting visitors and those returning home on the way into town from Suvarnabhumi Airport. The ever-smiling face of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra beams triumphantly along with well-crafted words testifying to her success in carrying out one of her most controversial populist policies. It's like the prime minister is graciously telling the motorists and tourists alike _ "Hey, our kids finally have a tablet!"


Questions pile up with corpses

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 23/10/2012

» I remember it was about this time last year _ weeks after my most exhausting time of the year, Elle Fashion Week, and a little bit before Halloween.


The folly of fandom

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 17/07/2012

» There seems to be a thin line between liking something and proclaiming you're a fan of it, although in both real life and Facebook, you're assumed to be a fan once you "Like" it.


The cost of education

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 23/05/2012

» My daughter has just started her G1 in a new school last week, and you can guess I'm now just living out of complimentary frozen food in Life's fridge and packed lunch, nothing more glorious than a decent left-over dinner from the day before.


No petty matters

Muse, Samila Wenin, Published on 04/02/2012

» The camera fixed its probing gaze on Luis Suarez, crouched on the bench with the slightly anxious expression of a man who's loaded with guilt for failing to bear the torch of hope for Liverpool fans during the match against arch-rivals Manchester United during the FA Cup's fourth round last weekend.


Fashion journalism, who and what does it serve?

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 08/02/2012

» There's a little rule to being a fashion writer (which could be, at times, applicable to a culture journalist). Call it elitism if you want, but it's not easy for fashion writers to not jump into argument once they start talking about fashion with friends who do not work in fashion.


From closet to cabinet

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 11/02/2012

» Like words, fashion is a tricky tool. They are both a form of expression, the first is verbal, and the latter is visual. The similarity _ they can make or break a person.