
Showing 11 - 20 of 27



Journalist defiant about life post-coup

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 17/03/2021

» Just as the protesters continue rallies and strikes against the Myanmar military's coup amid the brutal crackdowns by security forces, so have journalists been pushing ahead and struggling to do their jobs as storytellers.



Myanmar journalists wait and watch

News, Johanna Son, Published on 08/02/2021

» 'Some horrible things are likely to happen," one journalist said. Added another: "They can arrest [us] anytime." A reporter predicted: "There will be a darker period for us." "I feel lost," one journalist said with a sigh. "We are unsafe and insecure."



The pressure cooker that is Thailand

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 11/11/2020

» Thailand finds itself in a pressure cooker these days, dealing with pre-Covid-19 economic weaknesses, the lack of longer-term responses to the economic and social crises from the pandemic, and uncertainty about how much longer people can hold on before falling into poverty, losing jobs or closing small businesses.



Covid and the climate crisis in SE Asia

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 17/09/2020

» 'A global reset", "a sick planet", "health security" are huge, heavy phrases that have been swirling in the global psyche for most of this Covid-19-marked year. They speak of the "must-do-something" type of issues that weigh on the minds of people everywhere, including in Southeast Asia, as they hope for a post-pandemic period to come.



Rohingya still a 'throwaway people'

News, Johanna Son, Published on 17/09/2019

» The second anniversary of the Rohingyas' exodus from Myanmar has come and gone, exposing how Southeast Asia's biggest humanitarian disaster in recent times has become a festering wound that all see but cannot or will not salve, much less heal.



Philippines' hollow victory over China

News, Johanna Son, Published on 20/08/2018

» In an Asean multilateral meeting in Cambodia in 2012, the Philippines' then-foreign secretary, Alberto del Rosario, found himself in an uncomfortable diplomatic situation.



When Asean just isn't Asean enough

News, Johanna Son, Published on 13/09/2018

» China's bullying may be the first of Asean's headaches to come to mind, but its weakest links are those that have been gnawing away at its insides -- and undermining its members' own "Asean-ness".



For urban asylum seekers, uncertainty is the certainty

News, Johanna Son, Published on 28/05/2018

» Waiting, perhaps for something, perhaps for nothing much, perhaps tomorrow, or perhaps never. Being in a permanent state of uncertainty may well be what life is for many urban asylum seekers in Bangkok and other cities in Southeast Asia.



The minefield of reporting the Rohingya

News, Johanna Son, Published on 19/04/2018

» When the Myanmar Journalism Institute held a discussion on the Rohingya crisis, it had to be an "invitation only" event instead of a public one. In Myanmar media, it has become mainstream to avoid using the word Rohingya and keep some distance from a topic that is too sensitive and too risky for the political and financial survival of news outlets.



Looking for 'Asean way' in Rohingya crisis

News, Johanna Son, Published on 26/03/2018

» In Asean's search for a role in the maze that is the political and humanitarian disaster unfolding from Myanmar's Rakhine crisis, it is finding that some paths are closed off, a few remain passable despite barriers -- and others are clear but way too risky to head into.