
Showing 41 - 50 of 164



The unseen human cost of cheap power

Oped, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 29/07/2020

» On July 23, 2018, the villagers of Attapeu, a sleepy town in southern Laos, suffered their worst nightmare when the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydropower dam suddenly burst, unleashing massive torrents of water that swallowed local villages, killing 71. More than 7,000 were made homeless.



Ripe time to push for pension reforms

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 20/07/2020

» A worker on a daily wage can hardly make ends meet, so what kind of a life can he or she expect to have after retiring? Not a very good one, I'm afraid.



Schools need reform, not haircuts

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 06/07/2020

» I believe a large number of people my age were subject to humiliation inflicted by their own teacher at least once in their school years.


It's now time to scrutinise govt 'aid' packages

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 29/06/2020

» The severe economic downturn caused by state lockdown measures seems to give the Prayut Chan-o-cha government a mandate for a quick spending spree on myriad rehabilitation programmes and economic stimulus packages aimed at accelerating the post-pandemic recovery.



Outbreak no reason to delay polls

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 22/06/2020

» After a six-year vacuum in local politics, by the end of this year, some Thais might be able to cast their votes to elect local administrators.



Keep missing activists in public memory

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 15/06/2020

» Nearly two weeks into what is believed to be the forced disappearance of self-exiled activist Wanchalearm Satsaksit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the investigation into the case seems to be going nowhere.



Despair for the 'lockdown generation'

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 01/06/2020

» Fin and Ploen, a young Thai couple I've known for some time, graduated with bachelor's degrees in Chinese language last year. Their dreams are simple: having jobs, saving some money and travelling the world. But the Covid-19 outbreak that made the lockdown inevitable has shattered their dreams.


SEZ plan ignores local ideas of development

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 18/05/2020

» On May 12, Kaireeya Ramanya, a young girl from a sleepy fishing village in Songkhla's Chana district, wrote a letter to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. This is a task that the 17-year-old -- who staged a sit-in protest against a mega-development project known as the Southern Economic Zone (SEZ) -- had never dreamed of doing.


Thai TV series give ugly truths a rosy hue

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 25/05/2020

» As I've been following progress of the Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Myanmar, I can see the project receives little attention from the mainstream Thai media, despite the fact the contentious project involves a big investor, the Thai government -- and human rights violations.


Adopt the 'new normal' until vaccine is here

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 04/05/2020

» Partial lifting of travel curbs in Phuket last Friday resulted in heavy traffic as many people, several of whom were migrant workers, scrambled to checkpoints in their bid to get back to their home provinces.