
Showing 31 - 40 of 164


Army should clear air on info ops claims

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 12/10/2020

» While Twitter's discovery of pro-Thai army social media accounts is hardly a surprise, and public anger is simmering.


Online stores owe parties level playing field

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 05/10/2020

» Overnight, the #BanShopee hashtag climbed to the top of Thailand's Twitter trends. The virtual turbulence came after a core member of the Progressive Movement complained that its online shop was banned on Shopee, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Southeast Asia.


Not time to get tough or stage another coup

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 19/10/2020

» The crackdown on peaceful, unarmed protesters last Friday signalled the government's intention to get tough with pro-democracy groups. Such a stance prompts condemnation as well as concerns over violent confrontation.


Clock ticking for Phuket to reinvent itself

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 14/09/2020

» Phuket, Thailand's top tourist destination, has experienced the worst hardship in the country as a result of travel restrictions with international airports shut down for almost six months.


Thai big media forced to rethink unwritten rules

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 28/09/2020

» With the rise of the student-led pro-democracy movement, the topic of the monarchy, which was once a taboo, now has more space in public discussion.



Digital divide leaves poor out of scheme

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 07/09/2020

» As the Thai economy has yet to recover from the lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the government is once again resorting to cash handouts to boost domestic consumption.



Subs plan could sink govt fortunes

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 24/08/2020

» Even when the economy is thriving, with high GDP figures, we expect the government to spend rationally. Therefore, the government's decision to go ahead with the 22.5 billion baht submarine purchase at a time when the country is struggling amid economic contraction, millions are out of work because of Covid-19 restrictions and depend on state assistance, has understandably triggered outrage.


'Wizards of democracy' wait to be heard

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 03/08/2020

» A movement by young students under the umbrella of Free Youth and the Students Union of Thailand appears to have gained steam. A series of "flash mob" rallies have taken place in Bangkok and the provinces almost on a daily basis.


Crackdown on youth protesters will backfire

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 10/08/2020

» Remember how just two decades ago, Thailand was regarded as a progressive democracy among Asian nations? The recent arrests of a civil rights lawyer and a student activist, which appear to be the prelude to a widespread crackdown on youth movements, made me lose hope over the state of democracy in the country.



Students deserve respect, not scorn

Oped, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 20/08/2020

» The political situation in past weeks attests to the fact that the country is in need of educational reform as a clash of ideas between the younger generation and those phuyai has intensified.