
Showing 571 - 580 of 604


Imagination: President Trump in power

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 22/07/2016

» Let us suppose that it is July 2017. Let us suppose that Donald Trump, nominated as the Republican candidate for the US presidency exactly a year ago, won the November election -- quite narrowly, perhaps, but the polls are certainly suggesting that such a thing is possible. So he was inaugurated six months ago, and has started to put his campaign promises into effect.



Macedonia's 'Colourful Revolution'

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 14/06/2016

» Abstract expressionism is no longer cutting-edge art in most places, but in one country it is enjoying a massive popular revival: Macedonia. The artists are at work day and night in the capital, Skopje, decorating public buildings and statues with splatters of every colour in the rainbow in a style clearly inspired by Jackson Pollock.


Property in Iraq fuelled by dirty money

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 04/05/2016

» Property prices in central Baghdad are as high as London's, even though Iraq's national income is down by 70% since the collapse in the oil price. Islamic State's (IS) bombs regularly devastate parts of the capital, and still the real estate market booms. Why?



Another way of looking at the horrors of Hiroshima

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/05/2016

» Today's Hiroshima doesn't give the TV journalists a lot to work with. It's a bustling, mid-sized Japanese city with only few reminders of its destruction by an atomic bomb in 1945. There's the skeletal dome of the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall (which was right under the blast), and discreet plaques on various buildings saying that such-and-such a middle school, with 600 students, used to be on this site, and that's all.



Why are the Islamists still terrorising?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 30/05/2016

» Because most people think of Islamic State, al-Qaeda and their ilk as crazies motivated solely by hatred, they are not puzzled by recent terrorist attacks on the West like those in Paris, Brussels and Los Angeles. Like the villains in comic books, the terrorists are simply evil, and no further explanation is needed. But in the real world, being violent and fanatical does not make you stupid.



Time for war on Zika ahead of Olympics

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 02/06/2016

» In the past, the only excuse for cancelling the Olympic Games has been a world war.But if this year's Games had been scheduled for somewhere in West Africa two years ago, when the Ebola outbreak was nearing its peak, they would certainly have been called off. So should the Olympic Games scheduled to begin in Rio de Janeiro on Aug 5 be cancelled, moved or postponed?



What would happen if Brexit actually wins?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 04/06/2016

» After months in which opinion polls showed a 6-10% lead for the "Remain" side in the referendum campaign on continued British membership of the European Union, the numbers have suddenly shifted in favour of "Leave". The latest Guardian/ICM polls revealed that 52% of those polled favour Brexit (British exit from the EU), while only 48% want to stay in.


Age of technology will need universal basic income

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 08/06/2016

» In a referendum on Sunday, Swiss voters rejected a proposal for a guaranteed annual income for everybody by an overwhelming 78% majority. But the idea was not crazy, and it is not going to go away.


Russia was right about Syria conflict

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 19/05/2016

» 'The Russians had a more realistic analysis of the situation than practically anybody else," said Lakhdar Brahimi, the former UN Special Envoy to Syria. "Everyone should have listened to the Russians a little bit more than they did."


EU-Turkey migrant deal bound to fail

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 01/04/2016

» Next Monday, the deal made between the European Union and Turkey to stem the flood of refugees into the EU goes into effect. It will promptly blow up in everybody's face, for three reasons.