
Showing 81 - 90 of 639



Not too late for 'Boss' case

Oped, Editorial, Published on 31/08/2024

» Better late than never. This week, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) filed charges against eight people accused of tampering with evidence to help Red Bull heir Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya in his notorious 2012 hit-and-run case that resulted in a policeman's death.


Deportations and walls in the US and Europe

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 31/08/2024

» Fortress America and Festung Europa (Fortress Europe) are just starting to take shape; bare outlines of what they will have grown into ten years from now. But the trend is almost unstoppable, and it will be very ugly when it's finished.



A new political 'youthquake' takes hold

Oped, Published on 31/08/2024

» Six months ago, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's grip on power in Bangladesh appeared unbreakable. The ruling Awami League had just won a fourth term in an uncontested election, allowing it to stay in full control of the country's institutions. With journalists, human rights defenders, opposition members, and other critics facing politically motivated prosecution, prison, exile, and forced disappearance, a continued descent into authoritarianism seemed certain.



Thicha's exit sparks unease

Oped, Editorial, Published on 30/08/2024

» The news that prominent child rights advocate Thicha Nanakorn will not have her contract renewed for the position of Ban Kanchana-pisek remand home director has caused a stir.



Srettha Thavisin fell to hidden forces

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 30/08/2024

» Hindsight is likely to place Srettha Thavisin in Thai political annals as a prime minister who tried his best but ultimately succumbed to forces way beyond his control. While his nearly 12-month tenure in office came up short on policy deliverables, it nevertheless reset Thailand's foreign policy projection on Myanmar amid more omnidirectional relations with the major powers.



Journalists shouldn't be neutral on climate change

Oped, Published on 30/08/2024

» Last year was the hottest summer on record in the Northern Hemisphere. Earth's ocean surfaces were warmer in the first month of 2024 than any previously recorded January. And by the end of this year, global climate-related deaths since 2000 could exceed 4 million people, according to one estimate.



China's globalisation paradox

Oped, Published on 30/08/2024

» China's trading partners are once again fretting about the country's supposedly unfair economic practices. This time, the focus is on China's alleged attempt to export its excess capacity, especially in emerging sectors such as electric vehicles (EVs), and to undermine domestic industries in the United States and Europe.



Thorny ethics debate

Oped, Editorial, Published on 29/08/2024

» The nation's political parties are to kick off a process to seek amendments to the charter. The main focus is a clause regarding politicians' ethics and a law governing the dissolution of parties to prevent political upheavals.


Libya's unending crisis shows need to be prepared

Oped, Published on 29/08/2024

» Who remembers Libya? Who recalls how the US became embroiled in this civil war only then to quickly lose interest? But sadly Americans vividly remember Benghazi and the horrible loss of a US consulate, the death of a respected US diplomat, killing of three security personnel and the throwing of the American flag into the pyres of a failed policy.



Junk carbon offset addiction 'killing the planet'

News, Published on 29/08/2024

» Before This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things was a Taylor Swift song, it was a punch line to a Paula Poundstone joke from the 1980s about how, as a kid, she once knocked a Flintstones glass off a table, making her mother say, "That's why we can't have nice things."