
Showing 1 - 10 of 25



Once the birthday bash is done...

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 02/05/2022

» Bangkok has turned 240th years old. The government, via the Culture Ministry, recently celebrated this auspicious occasion, with cultural performances and fun-filled activities at several landmark spots.


Why get so sour about Madam Choops' sweets?

Oped, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 01/05/2021

» Call me blasphemous, but my first reaction to the desserts in the shape of Buddha amulets -- now a matter of public frenzy -- was: So what?



Outbreak highlights our complacency

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 21/12/2020

» We are seemingly paying a high price for Covid-19 complacency.


Reckless actions endanger us all

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 30/11/2020

» As health authorities report a new infection case in Chiang Mai, the public has every reason to be terrified.



Of melody, monkeys and musician

Oped, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 18/11/2020

» Playing music for monkeys? Some people might not believe that there could be such an activity.



House session needs sincerity to succeed

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 26/10/2020

» Starting today, the parliament will play a crucial role in examining -- amid dimmed hopes -- possible solutions which would allow the country to peacefully exit the political stalemate.


Rise up against shallow patriotism

Oped, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 02/11/2020

» When a self-proclaimed patriot noticed a student did not stand up for the national anthem during a recent 6pm "flag down" ritual, she became so angry she hit the girl.



Both sides must give peace a chance

Oped, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 15/10/2020

» On Wednesday the country narrowly missed a confrontation -- quite possibly violent -- between groups of people with different stances when it comes to the monarchy. But there are no sighs of relief -- just yet.


Boss case shatters public confidence

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 17/08/2020

» If you start to feel a sense of relief that justice seems to be back on track in the shameful hit-and-run case involving Vorayuth Yoovidhya, after both prosecutors and police suddenly put the brakes on their attempts to free him, you may well have to think again.


Preserve our heritage, don't leave it to rot

Oped, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 11/07/2020

» Recent news reports that a bust of Chao Phraya Kosathibodi (Kosa Pan), one of the first Siamese ambassadors, was "stolen" from its plinth on the Rue de Siam in the French city of Brest shocked cultural enthusiasts.