
Showing 71 - 80 of 114



Something's afoot at the Asean meeting

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 06/08/2019

» The United States' Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came to Bangkok with a message for his friends and allies in Asean: "Trust the US".



Thailand a new fulcrum for big hitters

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 30/07/2019

» Is it by design or default that foreign ministers of the world's three most powerful nations are making their official visits to Thailand at the same time? It does not matter actually. First of all, they are scheduled to be here to attend the Post Ministerial Meeting, East Asian Foreign Ministerial Meeting and Asean Regional Forum anyway. That was it. But the US, China and Russia want to have their presence felt strongly, stating that their trips would be official ones, not at the working level like those of other dialogue partners.



AOIP: A new Asean regional guide

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 25/06/2019

» At the retreat on Sunday, Asean leaders hailed the Asean Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP), reiterating it is our own perspective and response to an unpredictable world and disruptive international environment. Echoing this sentiment, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told a press conference that the document is significant, as Asean now has a common approach on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region that will reinforce the Asean-centred regional architecture. That was the most important highlight of the two-day 34th Asean Summit.



How to engage China and Japan constructively

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 09/07/2019

» At the moment, China and Japan are planning to work together on at least 52 business projects in third countries in the region, encompassing both the Indian and Pacific oceans. Certainly, these projects provide tangible ways for Asia's two largest economies to foster mutual trust and forge a stronger partnership. This, however, is still a work in progress.


Thai-US relations in the Indo-Pacific era

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 16/07/2019

» When US State Secretary Michael Pompeo stops in Bangkok for a three-day visit at the end of this month, he will find good old ally Thailand is ready to tango. Their relations will no longer be, as in the past, based on reaction and counter-reaction to the cycle of coups. In the past five years, Thailand has survived Western-led sanctions. Now with a civilian government in place, the Kingdom's economic and political dynamism will no longer be curtailed by what was perceived as democratic backsliding and increased authoritarianism.



Projecting power through Asean unity

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 02/07/2019

» It only took a few seconds to change the substance of the discussion between Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai and his Brunei counterpart, Second Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Erywan Yusof, during their bilateral meeting on June 21. The two ministers were talking about ways to reduce the high cost of mobile phone roaming services in Asean to promote people-to-people contact. They were discussing "doing something together, sort-of-thing, to promote a people-centred community", according to a source who was at the meeting, when the host quipped, "Why not have Asean host the World Cup?". The word "yes" was the immediate response from Brunei. The rest is history.



More 'substantive' deal on S China Sea

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/05/2019

» Goodwill between Asean and China has reached an unprecedented level as both sides are working diligently to conclude the much anticipated code of conduct on the South China Sea. The process, which began in 2002, has now reached a crescendo, though there are still issues and differences that need to be ironed out.



Thai chair and new branding of Asean

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 18/06/2019

» Now the election has passed and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha has been named to head the soon-to-be civilian government. Until the new cabinet is officially named, Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai will stay on in his position. With both of them at the helm, the Thai Asean chairmanship will proceed as planned. Nearly six months have elapsed since Thailand became chair, but what it has been able to accomplish over 130 meetings of various committees has gone totally unreported, as the local media was zeroed in on the post-election drama and political brinksmanship manifested by Thailand's 27 parties. Thai bureaucrats are free to prepare for the Asean summit and related meetings.



Vietnam plays role of reluctant Asian middle power

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 11/06/2019

» In private discussions with senior Vietnamese foreign ministry officials, one could easily get the feeling that the socialist republic is a reluctant rising middle power in Asia. In their view, Vietnam is doing well in terms of regional and international profile, with its uninterrupted political stability and expanding economic growth. The latest report by the Asia Development Bank that its GDP growth will be around 6.8% this year is good testimony to its success.



Can China-Japan-S Korea get closer?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 04/06/2019

» Thanks to President Donald Trump’s oft-repeated mantra “America First,” accompanied by his disdain for and hostility towards globalisation and multilateralism, the rest of the world is perplex. Some of them in various continents are getting together in like-minded groups that would be able to respond to the inward-looking US policy, East Asia is no exception. Very few country will be acting alone as the US holds formidable power in the world.