
Showing 141 - 150 of 166


NESDB slashes 2013 growth to 3%

Business, Published on 19/11/2013

» The government has cut its growth forecast for this year after the economy in the third quarter expanded at a slower pace due mainly to weakening exports and shrinking consumption and investment.



TDRI: Income gap widens despite populist outpouring

Business, Published on 19/11/2013

» Thailand's current fiscal policies have failed to address income inequality and should be redirected from populist schemes to improving social welfare for the poor, says the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI).


Finding the Least-Worst method of mobile app taxation

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 19/11/2013

» Smartphones and tablets make your life easier, and there are many applications and content services that can be purchased and downloaded online.



Bad-loan rate holds steady

Business, Pathom Sangwongwanich, Published on 19/11/2013

» Despite an increase in non-performing loans (NPLs) and overdue consumer loans during the third quarter, the bad-loan ratio remains stable due to an increase in loans outstanding.


Myanmar confirms ITD deal still firm

Business, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 19/11/2013

» The 75-year concession granted to Italian-Thai Development Plc (ITD) in Dawei remains in place, but construction of the deep-sea port has stopped while the participation of international investors is being arranged, a spokesman for the Myanmar government said.


Bangkok Glass IPO next year

Business, Published on 19/11/2013

» Bangkok Glass Industry Co, one of Thailand's leading manufacturers of glass and plastic containers, plans to float 241.4 million shares in an initial public offering on the SET next year.


GPF pads foreign limit

Business, Darana Chudasri, Published on 19/11/2013

» The Government Pension Fund (GPF), which manages government officers' pension money, will expand the foreign investment limit to 30% next year, with the figure rising to 40% in 2015 in order to diversify risks and returns to prepare for Thailand's ageing society.


SMEs start dialogue with EU

Business, Nop Tephaval, Published on 19/11/2013

» Thai small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will benefit from the new SME policy dialogue with the European Union (EU), says the Thai-EU business council.


NBTC plans 'fair' digital bids

Business, Saengwit Kewaleewongsatorn, Published on 19/11/2013

» The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) will implement best practices for digital TV bidders to reinforce auction transparency and fairness.



Region hopes to bridge digital divide

Business, Published on 19/11/2013

» Thirty-eight telecom delegations from Asia-Pacific have mutually agreed to push for nationwide broadband across each country in the region by 2020 in a drive to bridge the persistent digital divide.