
Showing 151 - 160 of 648



Home alone … a case of bad timing

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/07/2021

» The emotional events at Wembley Stadium last Sunday inevitably stirred personal memories of a similar happening with a different outcome 55 years previously in the summer of 1966.



The girl who was all 'eyelashes and legs'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/07/2021

» I was rightly admonished by a reader for not mentioning model Twiggy in last week's column concerning the "Swinging Sixties" in London. After all Twiggy was dubbed "The Face of 66" in a huge spread in the Daily Express.



A day for mustard and relish, but no ketchup

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/07/2021

» Despite not being American I attended several July 4 celebrations in Bangkok back in the days when they were held at the old ISB campus on Sukhumvit Soi 15. A colleague's recommendation of "cheap beer and heavenly hot dogs" was enough to convince me it was possibly not the worst way to spend a Saturday afternoon in Bangkok.



The Soliloquy of Harold Callahan

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/07/2021

» My thanks to former colleague Alan Dawson for alerting me to a scene from the Clint Eastwood film Sudden Impact which may throw some light on the hot dog and ketchup debate which featured in last week's column.



Between you, me and the lamp post

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/06/2021

» Over the years we've had allegations of malfeasance concerning the whole spectrum of life in Thailand. Among the more unlikely cases have been claims of dubious goings on concerning purchases of such items as school pianos, parliament clocks, cows and even kindergarten toys.



'King of fruits' is nothing to sniff at

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/06/2021

» Most people who have a functioning hooter will be well aware we are in the middle of the durian season. I got a timely reminder when my wife returned triumphantly from a day trip to the orchards of Nakhon Nayok last weekend laden with what is called the "king of fruits''. It is also the smelliest of fruits, prompting a brisk trade in T-shirts bearing the message "tastes like heaven and smells like hell".



Cornish pasty has its moment in the sun

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/06/2021

» The most important outcome of last week's G7 summit in Cornwall was undoubtedly the appearance of tempting new versions of the traditional Cornish pasty. One bakery came up with a large pasty called "Biden's big-un", while also on offer were "Merkel's minted lamb'', "Macron's mixed veg", and the cheese-filled "Boris' Stilton".


The cuckoo-clock tune that went to No.1

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/05/2021

» It was amusing to see that the UK entry to the Eurovision Song Contest last weekend attracted a grand total of zero votes. However, singer James Newman shouldn't fret too much as not getting any votes is almost a badge of honour in this annual festival of kitsch where music takes second place to gaudy, garish, glitter.



There's no excuse to be lost for words

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/06/2021

» It is always nice to come across new words and last week I discovered a tiny treasure trove of fancy locution thanks to the Grandiloquent website which specialises in flowery, but genuine language. Grandiloquent means a "pompous or extravagant style of language" and there is plenty of that about.


It's time for 'cautious cuddling' in the UK

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/05/2021

» PostScript recently discussed how the month of May is looked upon fondly in Britain, partly because it heralds warmer weather. Admittedly summer in the UK can be rather brief, especially if the occluded fronts start misbehaving. It's no coincidence that the most common forecast in the British summer is "outlook changeable".