Search Result for “free time”

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Zuckerberg gets all warm and messianic

Life, James Hein, Published on 19/07/2017

» I rarely post on my Facebook page, and never about what I am eating. Its primary use, for me, is to reconnect with old friends or communicate with current friends overseas. Mark Zuckerberg has other aims, claiming that Facebook is the "new church" and that his social network can fulfil the role that religion once did in giving people a sense of community and belonging to "something bigger than ourselves". With 2 billion users, 100 million of whom Zuckerberg considers "meaningful", that is a lot of influence he wields. A vice-president of Facebook recently visited Pakistan to assure its leadership that Facebook would be removing anything criticising Islam, but nothing criticising Buddhism, Christianity, Hindus, etc. This should give some indication of where Facebook's "community" may be heading.


Facing up to social media bias

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/06/2017

» An interesting thing is happening on the major sharing and information sites like Facebook, Google, Yahoo and others. In what is supposed to be an open and free environment, political editing bias is starting to creep in. The local phenomenon that started in the US has started to pervade the global system. This is not the direct political editing that occurs in places such as China but that of one group's opinions suppressing another side's. It is not an issue if the views being suppressed are demonstrably incorrect but in some cases the factual and data based views are those being suppressed in favour of the unsupportable "politically correct" ones of small but outspoken groups.


Google Android refreshes itself

Life, James Hein, Published on 07/06/2017

» Android 8 -- or O -- will be coming out soon, with the beta already available for lucky Nexus and Pixel users. Google is introducing "Fluid Experiences" that include picture in picture, Notification Dots, autofill and smart-text selection. The first will allow you to have an app open but with also, say, a small window running a YouTube video, just like TVs can do. Notification dots show that you have an app notification. A long press will bring up the item, which is useful. You have all seen autofill on forms and for passwords; this is finally appearing in Android. As has been the case for the last few versions, Google is also focusing on maximising security, optimising boot times and app performance, and intelligently limiting background activity for apps to save battery life. These are all welcome enhancements.


No new Vistas for us to view?

Life, James Hein, Published on 29/03/2017

» After Microsoft Bob and Windows ME, Vista would have to be the least-loved Windows operating system. It arrived in 2007 on Jan 30, and on April 11 will no longer be a supported OS. That means no more security updates, no hotfixes and no support options, paid or otherwise. Readers will not be surprised to learn that Microsoft is recommending that any remaining Vista users upgrade to Windows 10. You may be thinking that if you are a really large organisation and are willing to pay, Microsoft will provide support just like they still do for some XP customers. But the word on the street is they won't for Vista.


The eternal debate between privacy and security

Life, James Hein, Published on 01/03/2017

» What is the line dividing privacy from national security? If you are a privacy advocate, the line is closer to "everything is private". If you are a nation state wanting to protect its interests, that line falls somewhere nearer to your preschool diary. Homeland in the US is working on a policy requiring selected non-citizens entering the US to provide the passwords to their social media accounts to gain entry. This has triggered feedback from human rights groups, civil liberties groups and a bunch of professors. Given that every nation has a right to protect its borders and a customs official can search everything else you bring in, why not information in the digital realm?


Your TV is watching you

Life, James Hein, Published on 15/03/2017

» Love them or hate them as I write this WikiLeaks has just dropped a large batch of new documents for all the world to see, this time CIA secret materials. The part that has caught most attention is the information on how to spy on people, using commonly found household items. Apple and Android devices, Samsung TV's (glad I recently changed to Sony), Macs and Windows devices can all be used to spy on people -- no one in the US of course -- and pass info back to the CIA. There are also different malware products that can be used to infect all manner of devices including a USB stick that can be used to jump that critical air-gap between your system and the outside world. For anyone living in the real world none of this will be of any surprise. All the leaks really do is confirm what everyone knows and every country does.


Beware ransomware

Life, James Hein, Published on 08/02/2017

» Ransomware can hit anywhere. In the town of Cockrell Hill, Texas, with a population of just over 4,000 souls, the police force there was hit and lost over eight years of evidence. The attackers used a "cloned email address imitating a department issued email address" to deliver the ransomware and then requested four Bitcoins worth about US$3,600 (126,000 baht) to decrypt the files. Any good IT department would have decent backups but as it turned out this process had only backed up the encrypted files. After talking to the FBI they were told that there was no guarantee they would get their data back so they wiped their servers and restarted with eight years of data and videos destroyed.


Money trumps morals in the online world

Life, James Hein, Published on 07/12/2016

» In a world where making everything smaller and lighter is the trend, a half-tonne CPU is certainly an anomaly. The 42,300 transistors, 10,548 LED CPU machine was built by hand from regular components and can be seen at the Centre for Computing History in Haverhill, England. The builder is James Newman, who wanted to learn about transistors and then got busy. The result is a CPU that shows how it is working in real time by following the flashing LEDS. At 15m² it roughly equates to the old 33m² Intel 8086. OK not quite that powerful as it only has 256 bytes of ROM and RAM and runs at an estimated 20kHz. I'm putting this in for the people with way too much time on their hands category. You can find out more here


2016 in the rear-view mirror

Life, James Hein, Published on 28/12/2016

» Another year has passed, and it is time to take a look back.


Your life ain't over till FB says it is

Life, James Hein, Published on 23/11/2016

» There's a well-known line in the movie Monty Python And The Holy Grail: "I'm not dead." If you received a Facebook death notice recently, you were not alone. Facebook made an error by flagging a large number of people's profile pages as belonging to the deceased, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. This was of course a mistake, and they fixed it fairly quickly, as people started sending complaints and others were shocked by a death notice they couldn't easily verify other than via Facebook. When large organisations mess up, they tend to do it in a big way.