Search Result for “trade war”

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Trump's Iran nuclear decision strains US-Europe ties

Oped, John Lloyd, Published on 14/05/2018

» Does Europe still have a partner, a big brother across the water? One which can be a scold, a nag, an annoyance, a puzzle -- but which has always been there for it? A partner that is also a protector, with a military and security network of unrivalled power and reach? Is the United States still that partner?


Politics of confrontation heats up

News, John Lloyd, Published on 15/10/2018

» The next president of Brazil, Latin America's giant, is all but certain to be former army captain Jair Bolsonaro -- who was relatively unknown, even in his own country, just a few months ago, but who now has a large public profile all round the world. At 63, he has spent years in public life, leaving a mark -- but not a large one -- as a man of the far right, ready with insults for women who oppose him, disgusted by homosexuality, approving of the military dictatorship that killed and tortured leftists between 1964 and 1985.



Why Macron's 'third way' is now the EU's best option

News, John Lloyd, Published on 17/09/2018

» The largest question in democratic politics in Europe is: who's in charge?



The outsized power of Hungary's Premier Orban

News, John Lloyd, Published on 18/06/2018

» Closing a major university is a big deal. Created, staffed and maintained at large, usually public, expense, universities serve both a utilitarian and an idealistic purpose: to provide the highly-educated workforce modern economies require, and to uphold and further civilised values through the understanding of the world the various academic disciplines claim to provide.



Trump peddles platitudes in Davos

News, John Lloyd, Published on 30/01/2018

» "When people are forgotten the world becomes fractured," President Donald Trump observed to the Davos forum in his breathlessly awaited speech on Friday.