Search Result for “bill”

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Spreading their wings

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 13/11/2017

» Surrounded on both sides by rivers and flat rice fields, a solitary strip of road off Bang-Khun Tien marked a very special occasion for one little green parrot, who would take his very first flight. Timidly stepping out of its cage, the little parrot -- a hunt macaw named Shogun -- hesitantly looked around for his owner. It found him, fluttering awkwardly up to perch on his waiting hand.



Method in the madness

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 10/11/2017

» Whether it be Hannibal Lector, Norman Bates or even the Joker, psychopaths have long been some of the most fascinating characters in all of pop culture. As terrifying as they supposedly are, there is also a mystique to their madness, one that exists on the cusp of comprehensibility, divided only by that thin, elusive border we call sanity or morality or compassion.



Thai Postal Service announces new shopping website

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 07/11/2017

» Ever had a sudden hankering for Mahachai's freshly-caught pla tu (mackerel), or Trang's famous grilled pork? Provided you have access to the internet, and live in one of the many major cities in Thailand, the Thai Postal Service (TPS) has you covered.



Desktop powerhouse

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 19/07/2017

» In computer terms, "workstation" refers to a computer specially designed for various technical or scientific purposes. To that end, many workstations tend to be very powerful, in order to handle the numerous programs and applications necessary in the operations of many advanced technical tasks.



When monsters attack

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 10/03/2017

» Kong: Skull Island seems like it tries -- and largely fails -- to present a serious, deep message, even though it often veers into the campy territory so many monster films seem to occupy. Most of the characters -- of which there are unnecessarily many -- are completely devoid of personality or even purpose, getting introduced only to eventually become monster-snacks, offering absolutely nothing to the plot beyond creating a false sense of mortality for the obvious band of destined survivors. The plot, as anyone familiar with King Kong's lore can surmise, is also nothing new, and is actually quite similar to the Peter Jackson-directed King Kong's (2005) plot of a group of outsiders surviving on a hostile island dominated by the giant ape.


The cost of muzzling the media

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 06/03/2017

» The new media reform bill disturbs me. Drawing much controversy when it was first publicly announced late in January, the bill was immediately opposed by 30 media organisations, who viewed it as an attempt by the government to exert control over the press.



The mustachioed Italian plumber makes iOS debut

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 28/12/2016

» It's been a long time coming, but Mario -- the crimson-clad, mustachioed, Japanese/Nintendo-born Italian plumber -- has finally hopped his way onto smartphones in the form of Super Mario Run, the mushroom-chugging, fireball-flinging coin maniac's debut feature on touch-screen devices. Downloadable for free now on iOS and next year for Android, the game's simplistic touch-based platforming is great, losing none of the precision of control and inventive level design synonymous of Mario games.



Cyber security laws - in flux, but set to flex

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 10/08/2016

» Eight new cyber stability and security bills continue to go through various stages of deliberation. Of particular note to the Thai public are the Cyber Stability and Computer Crimes act, both of which have raised concerns among many activists and watchdog groups who continue to speak out against many specific sections in both bills, which they interpret will potentially allow the government to control civil and privacy rights, and which Life reported on last month.



Communication breakdown

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 20/06/2016

» It has been an uncomfortable several months for internet users the Kingdom over, as the government released the drafts of its eight new digital-related bills. The bills immediately became the source of much controversy, as many critics and pundits criticised the new regulations and laws included in the drafts to be a step back into the days before the 1997 media reforms, giving government agencies absolute control over the surveillance, management and oversight of digital data.



Internet stifling is 'not relevant'

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 02/05/2016

» The government's recent release of the drafts of three digital-economy bills has stirred the masses, and Thai internet users the country over are united in their concern over unrestricted government surveillance of their digital data.