Search Result for “Dhammakaya”

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Ban toxic glyphosate

News, Postbag, Published on 26/05/2018

» According to a May 24 report, the Hazardous Substance Committee, in reference to a ban on three toxic pesticides, said "there were insufficient studies confirming they were health hazards", and thus have allowed their continued use. One of the three is glyphosate, known as "Roundup".



Breaking bad news

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 27/01/2017

» Now that 2016 is finally over, we can rest assured that all the bull**** and f**kery it brought with it will never be repeated. Right? RIGHT?! Bleh, who knows what the future has in store for us. Let's face it, this time last year the thought of Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States probably made you spit out your coffee or, if you're a hipster, choke on your kale juice. But then again, never say never, right?


'Justice' Thai-style

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/12/2016

» Re: "Police ponder legal action in abbot ordeal", (BP, Dec 2). The inability of the DSI to arrest Phra Dhammajayo has descended into farce. In all probability he is no longer ensconced in Wat Phra Dhammakaya, despite what authorities say. With so many of his followers surrounding the temple it would be easy for him to slip away disguised as one of them. Maybe he is not even in Thailand.