Search Result for “YouTube”

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Hoot property

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 01/02/2012

» Conducting interviews at a music festival must be the bane of any sane journalist's existence. Running from one stage to another is hard enough, but when thrown into a pressroom near the stage where it's too loud and stuffy, it can get even more frustrating. That's what happened during our short slot with US electronica act Owl City, aka Adam Young, at the recent Silverlake Music Festival in Pattaya. He was propped up on stage while I was fielding him questions from a chair off stage _ communicating through microphones. It looked like a scene from an Asian arthouse movie where, at any minute, Young might get off his high stage to bite off my head, and then butterflies would rise from the ground to eat my corpse.


To Kony or not to Kony

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 14/03/2012

» Kony 2012 has become the fastest viral campaign in history. Even if you only get on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube once a day for a short period of time, you can't escape Kony 2012 video, #stopkony or at least one of your friends wax poetry about the plight of African children or the cruelty of warlord Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army.


Songkran dampens spirits

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 11/04/2012

» For the love of God, why are you still reading "Noise"? Shouldn't you be out lounging on the beach or preparing for the upcoming Songkran water war?



Change For The Better

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 10/12/2012

» As a founder of, Ben Rattray knows only too well that social activism and technology are a match made in heaven.



Break on through to the Other Side

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 13/03/2013

» In the near future, our online word will probably merge with the offline world completely. The booming internet cross-over phenomenon in the music world _ when online "stars" move out of the screen to become real-life somebodies _ looks to be the first step.



Read the label

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 20/03/2013

» When RS Promotions branched into luk thung music in 2001 with its R-Siam label, few people took much notice. But in the decade since, it has steadily gained a stronghold on the grassroots country music genre, and given it a facelift _ in terms of presentation, sound manipulation and content _ in the process. The offshoot currently houses more than 90 solo artists and groups _ the biggest stars of the luk thung circuit among them.


Dear little things getting dearer

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 10/04/2013

» Children are expensive. "Duh!" every parent in the world would probably scream in my face after shaking me senseless.



Dancing up a storm

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 03/05/2013

» For the past 20 years, the Flying Steps crew has been at the forefront of break-dancing culture. Respected worldwide and even more so in their native Germany, the entire gang of this award-winning B-boy collective was recently in Bangkok to perform as a part of a Red Bull launch.



A true Belieber, almost

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 30/09/2013

» There was a strange sight at Justin Bieber's first ever concert in Bangkok last Thursday. No, it wasn't of pre-teens losing their minds, screaming and crying at the same time. No, it wasn't the Bieb's faux quiff, his man-child sculptured body and slightly slouched posture.



Interesting times ahead

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 14/11/2013

» The last quarter of the year is always a time for celebrations around the world. Here, during the final two months in particular, there's usually a host of parties and other organised events, even if the holiday spirit has been dampened somewhat over the past few weeks by the tense political atmosphere in our capital.