Search Result for “young men”

Showing 51 - 60 of 62



Questioning the police

News, Editorial, Published on 05/05/2016

» Within a week, two instances of brutal attacks by groups of young men have dominated the news and social media. The first was the Songkran attack in Hua Hin against a British family. On the day the elderly British couple testified before the Hua Hin Provincial Court about their nightmarish experience, six suspects were arrested in Bangkok over a brawl, which resulted in the death of a disabled man.



The trouble with tourism

News, Editorial, Published on 04/05/2016

» Four Thai men committed an uncivilised criminal assault on three foreign visitors last month. They also left the country with a black eye. The Hua Hin market assault on two British men and a woman triggered a series of reactions in the country from officials who should know better. Almost all of the reactions were wrong-headed.



Cowardly attackdamages tourism

News, Editorial, Published on 01/05/2016

» Thailand's tourism reputation took a severe beating last week, but nothing as vicious as the one handed out to a holidaying British family.



Nepotism is not 'normal'

News, Editorial, Published on 21/04/2016

» For many, the practice of recruiting someone into military service to work as a junior officer through a process that bypasses qualifying tests may not be a big deal.


AEC nears with little sense of unity

Oped, Editorial, Published on 27/12/2015

» On Thursday, Asean will achieve another phase of regional integration, as the launch of the Asean Economic Community further eliminates trade and business barriers.



Stop sadistic hazing rituals

News, Editorial, Published on 05/12/2015

» Despite concerted attempts by education authorities to root out hazing, new and more violent forms of initiation activities keep on surfacing. It is clear all parties concerned including youngsters themselves must unite in making the practice completely unacceptable.



Paris offers harsh lesson

News, Editorial, Published on 16/11/2015

» The terrorist attacks in Paris prove that the ISIS group has its hooks deep into decent society. The seven coordinated bombings and shootings killed at least 129 people, wounded over 350, and closed down the French capital under a city-wide curfew. France also completely closed its borders. The butchery inside the Bataclan theatre makes it clear that France has a mortal battle on its hands. So does the civilised world.


Taking eyes off the ball

News, Editorial, Published on 09/09/2015

» Recent events have shown that two of the country's biggest problems remain interconnected and festering. Earlier this year, driven by domestic crime and foreign pressure, the government began at last to try to clean up the vicious gangs and weak law enforcement responsible for human trafficking and slavery. After short and effective steps, however, leaders took their eyes off the targets. Some of the worst activities have resumed and expanded, exactly at the worst possible time.


Global refugee crisis cries out for action

News, Editorial, Published on 06/09/2015

» Now, it’s personal. Until last week the world’s migrant crisis was abstract, a procession of humanity as statistics. The 59.5 million people forcibly displaced by the end of last year, two-thirds of them uprooted from home within their own country. The 1.9 million Syrians living in Turkey, mainly in camps, having fled a country torn between the atrocities of Bashar al-Assad and the Islamic State. The 140,000 men, women and children who have entered Hungary from the border with Serbia this year alone, hoping for asylum in richer western European countries. The hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who have entrusted their lives to traffickers, their very exodus abetted by the regime they seek to escape. The Uighur who have turned to criminal networks to escape persecution in China. The Iraqis, Afghans and Sudanese who made perilous journeys to Australian waters only to have the navy pay their traffickers to turn away.


Lion City must adapt again

News, Editorial, Published on 11/08/2015

» Singapore celebrated its 50th anniversary on Sunday in a manner befitting a proud, ageing person. While the young people danced, sang and paid honour, the smiling, beneficent maestro was seated calmly, waving benignly to the masses. Just like the rich grandparents who spent their lifetimes in hard work and long, ultimately successful hours, Singapore itself starts a journey towards 60 years of age and beyond and questions will emerge about who will take over and what changes are likely to occur.