Search Result for “trade”

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Free fall

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/03/2021

» Yangon is burning: Plumes of smoke rose into the skyline in the north of the city every day last week. Large parts of Myanmar's biggest city and main commercial centre resembled a battle zone after the military junta imposed martial law in several neighbourhoods.



China seeks to shore up its influence in Myanmar

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 09/01/2021

» China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi is scheduled to arrive in Myanmar on Monday on a critical two-day visit. It is intended to further strengthen Chinese influence in the country, in light of the changing international dynamics in the region, amid fears that China's sway is beginning to wane.


Post-election foreign policy rebalances westward

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 19/12/2020

» Myanmar's foreign policy is set to undergo a significant shakeup in the coming year as the government readjusts to the changing international environment in a post-election, post-Covid and post-Trump era. In the middle of these evolving dynamics, Myanmar will increasingly become a major focus of attention -- and be a dominant determinant of the balance of power within Asia.



Myanmar maps out recovery and reform

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 23/11/2020

» The Myanmar government is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious new economic recovery and reform plan. To be announced during the current transition period following the Nov 8 elections, it will be part of the strategic plan for the next five years.



Vote vs Virus

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 05/10/2020

» Myanmar's national elections are set to go ahead in just over four weeks even though the country is reeling from a second wave of Covid-19 that shows no signs of abating any time soon.



China's grand vision

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 10/02/2020

» Chinese President Xi Jinping's historic state visit to Myanmar last month was aimed at drawing the country ever closer and persuading the world of the importance of Beijing's new international approach. It was an exercise in strategic diplomacy, rolling out China's grand vision for the region and encouraging the creation of a loyal and supportive neighbourhood.



Headwinds in Myanmar

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 20/01/2020

» The economic outlook for Myanmar for the coming year looks resilient, but the country faces enormous risks posed by internal tensions and international economic trends, according to the World Bank.



China and Myanmar launch new era of relations

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 17/01/2020

» China's president Xi Jingping will today kick off a two-day state visit to Myanmar which is likely to set the course of their future bilateral relations. While the visit is highly significant for Beijing, Myanmar is more hesitant, fearing it is becoming over-dependent on its northern neighbour, according to analysts and diplomats. But the visit certainly is a public endorsement of the special relationship that has formed between the two countries, and may herald a new era of strengthened relationship.



Giants vie for influence in Myanmar

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 04/11/2019

» Behind the scenes of this year's Asean and East Asian summits, currently taking place in Bangkok, the region's key nations -- China, India and Japan -- are engaged in a quiet battle for greater influence in Myanmar. While on the sidelines, the countries of Asean, especially Thailand, as the current chair of the regional organisation, are offering qualified support for its problematic ally, largely behind the scenes.



Myanmar banks feel the heat

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 23/09/2019

» The fragile state of Myanmar's banking industry remains a problem for the government as it strives to liberalise the financial sector and create a genuine market-based economy. A mini-run on local banks earlier this month underscored how shaky public confidence is.