Search Result for “theft”

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Data privacy needs boost

Oped, Editorial, Published on 04/04/2023

» A hacker who goes by the name "9near" is threatening to publish the personal data of some 55 million Thai citizens on a dark web data-breach site called BreachForum at 4pm today.



Japan is facing a fiscal dilemma

News, Published on 06/02/2023

» Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently unveiled an ambitious plan to double the country's defence budget to ¥43 trillion, roughly 2% of Japan's GDP, over the next five years. Notably, the country's massive rearmament programme, its biggest since the end of World War II, has not triggered a political or public backlash. With Japan facing multiple security threats, including North Korean missile tests, Chinese coast-guard ships encroaching on its territorial waters and Russia's militarisation of the disputed Kuril Islands (known in Japan as the Northern Territories), polls show public support for the proposed increase.


South Africa's cash-stuffed sofa saga lingers

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/12/2022

» 'Don't have a couch stuffed with cash? Don't worry, you can keep reading for free," read the ad on the website of the Daily Maverick, a tough and sometimes very funny South African news site. President Cyril Ramaphosa's cash-stuffed sofa has become a powerful, universally recognised meme, but it still hasn't brought him down.



Cultural looting still a persistent crisis in SE Asia

News, Published on 14/11/2022

» The Nepalese conservationist Rabindra Puri, directing his own construction of a new Museum of Stolen Art in eastern Kathmandu speaks passionately about how he will feature replicas of stolen Nepalese antiquities, the originals having long ago been shipped overseas and since displayed in tourist attractions, art museums, or private residences, like hunting trophies.



The challenge of digital governance

Oped, Published on 12/11/2022

» Thailand was an early adopter of the internet for government services, creating an e-government system as early as 1997. But political turmoil in 2006 caused the kingdom to fall behind. When the United Nations ranked countries by e-government in 2012, Thailand was a dismal 92nd out of 193.


The million-baht 'misunderstanding'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/09/2022

» Last week a man was arrested in connection with a house robbery that took place in Bangkok almost 11 years ago which involved five other suspects who have already been detained. It suggests police can pursue old cases effectively if they put their mind to it.



The true meaning of being safe on the internet

Oped, Published on 06/08/2022

» When we talk about cybersecurity, we usually think of commercial antivirus software, ransomware attacks on large corporations or leaks of politically scandalous emails. But little is said about public security in the digital realm, and that is a big problem when we increasingly depend on information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet of Things to carry out our ordinary daily activities.



When war comes for our museums and heritage

News, Published on 23/05/2022

» Protecting cultural heritage during crises and wars is a big challenge, especially if conflict erupts suddenly and consumes a country with violence.


Grim reflections in the mirror of Ukraine crisis

Oped, Published on 20/05/2022

» I read with interest the article of colleagues from Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the UK and the US published in the Bangkok Post on May 12, 2022.



Path to peace needs respect

Oped, Editorial, Published on 05/05/2022

» The relatively calm Ramadan in the restive deep South reminds us that peaceful dialogue, not arm-twisting or fighting battles, is the real recipe for ending conflicts.