Search Result for “taxes”

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Caption critique

Oped, Postbag, Published on 28/09/2023

» Re: "Caged in a mall", (Opinion, Sept 27).



Not ready for dystopia

Oped, Postbag, Published on 14/01/2023

» Re: "Five automation predictions for 2023" (Business, Jan 11) and "Five tech predictions for 2023 and beyond" (Business, Jan 10).



Innovation no fix for urban transport ills

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 03/07/2018

» Urban transportation is undergoing a revolution. Offerings such as Uber and Lyft, as well as car- and bike-sharing services are widely believed to reduce congestion and generally make urban dwellers more mobile; driverless cars are expected to provide further benefits. Yet the notion that these innovations always make things better is far from a given: The new services are a net good only if they complement traditional public transportation systems rather than compete with them.



'Happy' uni students still need to lift grades

News, Soonruth Bunyamanee, Published on 21/02/2018

» The recent international rankings that show almost all leading Thai universities plunged in scores and ratings must serve as a wake-up call to the government and policymakers -- Thailand's higher education system needs improvement.



Build a wall between Uber and former boss Kalanick

News, Joe Nocera, Published on 16/01/2018

» There are two recent stories about Travis Kalanick, the former chief executive and current board member of Uber Technologies Inc, that caught my eye.



Authoritarian cryptocurrencies are on the march

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 18/10/2017

» With Russia and China both embracing the idea of sovereign cryptocurrencies, it's time to ask a simple question: Why is a technology threatening to decentralise money so attractive to highly centralised, authoritarian regimes?



Debating free trade and populist backlash

News, Published on 03/11/2016

» The benefits of free trade have been a cornerstone of economic thought for decades. Recently, though, trade agreements have become the target of a populist backlash, with opposition to trade deals emerging as a key issue in the US presidential race. At the same time, new research suggests that trade led to lower wages and higher unemployment for some Americans, particularly middle-class manufacturing workers. We asked Bloomberg View columnists Tyler Cowen and Noah Smith to meet online to debate the pros and cons of trade.


The cashless society is just another creepy fantasy

News, Elaine Ou, Published on 21/10/2016

» It's fun to imagine a world without cash.


Graft is not good for China's growth

News, Tom Orlik, Published on 29/06/2016

» Some critics dismiss President Xi Jinping's massive anti-graft campaign as a political witch hunt directed at his enemies. Others have a different complaint: They argue that bribes and favours have historically served as the grease in the wheels of China's growth. By disrupting the traditional flow of business, they contend, Mr Xi's graft enforcers have brought the country's economic engine grinding to a halt.



A breakdown of Brexit

News, Postbag, Published on 21/06/2016

» On Thursday, the British will be making the most important decision of their lifetime in the EU referendum.