Search Result for “submarines”

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Subs plan could sink govt fortunes

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 24/08/2020

» Even when the economy is thriving, with high GDP figures, we expect the government to spend rationally. Therefore, the government's decision to go ahead with the 22.5 billion baht submarine purchase at a time when the country is struggling amid economic contraction, millions are out of work because of Covid-19 restrictions and depend on state assistance, has understandably triggered outrage.



Ripe time to push for pension reforms

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 20/07/2020

» A worker on a daily wage can hardly make ends meet, so what kind of a life can he or she expect to have after retiring? Not a very good one, I'm afraid.



Forget New Year gifts, we want real reform

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 22/12/2017

» As the year draws to a close, it has become a tradition that the Prayut Chan-o-cha government prepares New Year's gifts for the people. Maybe the prime minister really wants the people to be happy, but many see it as a desperate effort to boost the regime's popularity.



Charity run masks govt health failure

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 13/10/2017

» It was quite inspiring to see rock star Artiwara Kongmalai, aka Toon Bodyslam, address one of the key problems in our public health system. He recently announced he was embarking on a charity run to raise funds for procurement of medical equipment for 11 state hospitals which serve as regional medical centres.



A high price to pay for PM's America trip

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 06/10/2017

» Photos of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha shaking hands with US President Donald Trump at the White House were plastered across the front pages of most, if not all, mainstream media this week. They have also been doing the rounds on social media.


Buying tanks won't get us to Thailand 4.0

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 07/04/2017

» Finally, the Thai army is to get 10 Chinese made VT-4 tanks worth over two billion baht.