Search Result for “students”

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Are scientific breakthroughs on the decline?

News, Published on 27/12/2023

» This year had barely begun when scientists got some jolting news. On Jan 4, a paper appeared in Nature claiming that disruptive scientific findings have been waning since 1945. An accompanying graph showed all fields on a steep downhill slide.


FTX saga shows not all ends justify means

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 30/11/2022

» In the wake of the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, and amid reports that FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, diverted billions of dollars of clients' funds, some observers have linked the alleged financial malpractice to ideas widely held within the "effective altruism" movement, which Mr Bankman-Fried says inspired him. More specifically, they point to the ethical view that the end justifies the means.


From top down, are we broken beyond repair?

News, Published on 29/09/2020

» In this country, there is a section of a road in the middle of the capital Bangkok that was named "the 100-deaths curve'' because of the frequent deadly accidents there.



Don't back Uighur abuse

News, Editorial, Published on 23/11/2019

» Secret Chinese government documents leaked to The New York Times have provided chilling details about its "no mercy" approach to repression of Uighurs and other Muslim minority groups in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. The revelation should serve as a reminder to Thai admirers of Chinese President Xi Jinping of the brutal and paranoid reality of his regime.


We should let China spy on us

News, David Fickling, Published on 22/04/2019

» Even as the US and China seem headed toward a truce on trade, their rivalry is heating up in other areas.



Don't think twice, Bob -- it's all right

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/10/2016

» Everyone has an opinion on Bob Dylan being the first songwriter to win the Nobel prize for literature. The organisers explained Dylan was bestowed the honour "as a great poet". At the time of writing, he has yet to respond, a poet unusually lost for words.


Transgender Muslims find a home for prayer in Indonesia

News, Published on 24/12/2015

» As the call to prayer boomed over this mid-size university town on a recent Sunday night, rows of conservatively dressed Muslim women laid out their prayer mats, bowed toward Mecca and murmured prayers in Arabic. As dusk fell, it was a ritual being carried out in mosques and prayer academies across the city.


Jeb carries the war sins of his brother

News, Published on 18/05/2015

» It isn't about what we know now. It's about what we knew then. It is simply not true, as Republican presidential aspirant Scott Walker said on Friday, that "any president would have likely taken the same action Bush did with the information he had".


The fiction of history

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 22/09/2014

» I want my name down in the history books. I want to be known for my huge contribution to Thailand and mankind. I have no idea what that contribution could be, but does that matter?