Search Result for “social media”

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The perpetual protein

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 10/02/2019

» Thais are experts when it comes to eating fish. This has to do with people's lifestyle since the old days, as their lives have always intertwined with rivers and canals. A variety of fish is easy to find. People don't even have to buy them because they can catch fish themselves. From experience, people soon learn distinctive qualities about each fish and what sort of food should be made from it, including how to season it and what kind of vegetables would go with it. Another mindset is to not let the fish go to waste. If a lot of fish are caught, they can be preserved to eat later.



Sweet success

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 03/02/2019

» This week's Cornucopia takes you to an annual food and dessert festival that has been held for almost 30 years. It's a not-to-be-missed event for those who are familiar with it because foods and desserts that are rare these days will be available at incredibly cheap prices. It's an event that brings together volunteers that are sometimes more talented than professionals. Proceeds from the event go to charity. It's not a state affair for tourism purposes. Neither is it a promotional happening to make a shopping mall famous. And it takes place at a temple.



Sister act

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 27/01/2019

» Thai people just can't stay away from khao gaeng, or rice-and-side-dish shops. It's like a relative they have to see everyday. Most Thai people eat rice with side dishes for at least one meal a day. This is why these shops are everywhere. A shop in a good location, close to the office and transportation hubs and that offers lots of options can quickly gain in popularity.



The evolution of coffee

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 20/01/2019

» In the morning, many people need to have their coffee. They spend that time planning what to do with their day. Sometimes, they try to go without coffee and their minds go blank. Coffee is special. It does its job well but in a contradictory way. It makes your body alert and relaxed at the same time.



Taking 'Thai' out of Thai food

Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 13/01/2019

» Whenever you come across a Thai restaurant serving food that is not up to standard, chances are that you will never set foot there again. And that can happen. But the government cannot stand such a scenario because they believe it sabotages the country’s reputation.



Don't have a cow, man

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 06/01/2019

» Today, people aren't eating as much beef as they used to. There are many reasons for this. Some feel cows are noble creatures that help and live with farmers, and it would be a pity to eat them. Some feel that beef is too expensive, up to twice the price of pork or three times the price of chicken. It's tougher to chew and digest. If you worship Ganesh or Guan Yin, it's a sin to eat beef.



'Tis the seasoning

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 30/12/2018

» Most people who like to cook will also like to have their kitchen spacious, well-lit, airy and filled with all necessary utensils, a big fridge and a big cupboard for all those seasonings.



Local wisdom

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 23/12/2018

» Let's have a look at some regional food that is representative of different regions. Nasi dagang is a speciality in the three southernmost provinces of Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala. It consists of rice cooked in coconut milk, with salt, sugar, cumin, fenugreek, ginger and shallots. This type of rice is suitable for fish curry and chicken curry. In the past, it was typically reserved for important occasions, but now it's considered part of the regular cuisine.



Too much of a good thing

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 16/12/2018

» A new fake floating market is about to be set up in Klong Bang Sue in Or Tor Kor Market in the Chatuchak area. It was the idea of executive members of the market who wanted to build a floating market to attract more tourists after CNN ranked Or Tor Kor Market as one of Thailand's must-visit destinations. They believed tourists should therefore have a floating market experience too when they visit Or Tor Kor.



Reading the leaves

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 09/12/2018

» For desserts and other food to taste great, it's not only about the flavour. The smell is another important factor in making food all the more tasty. A lot of Thai food relies on smell, which mostly comes from leaves. Try imagining Thai food without kaffir lime leaves, basil, tamarind leaves or cha-om leaves. Now what would everything taste like?