Search Result for “separatist”

Showing 21 - 30 of 225



Myanmar seeks friends to its west

Oped, Published on 10/11/2022

» After mortars landed on Bangladesh's soil as the Myanmar military attacked the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State in recent months, soldiers from Bangladesh and Myanmar's junta met to mend ties.



One middleman enough in conflict

News, Published on 24/10/2022

» Yahree Dueloh left his village in the southernmost border district of Narathiwat a decade ago, crossed the Kolok River and settled in Rantau Panjang on the Malaysian side of the border, not far from the river that serves as the official border between the two countries.



Isoc in need of oversight

Oped, Editorial, Published on 06/09/2022

» The phenomenon of "ghost recruitment" has cast a long shadow over how the government spends tax money to recruit staff to work in restive southernmost provinces.



How Tolstoy hurts Putin's attempt to rewrite history

Oped, Published on 10/08/2022

» On April 10, Moscow police arrested Konstantin Goldman for brandishing a book in public. Mr Goldman had posted an image on social media in which he posed holding a copy of Tolstoy's War and Peace next to a section of a World War II monument that commemorates Kyiv's status as a Soviet "hero-city" -- a distinction given to cities that endured some of the harshest moments of the Nazi invasion. He was charged with violating Russia's prohibition against discrediting the military, a new law that carries a punishment of up to 15 years in jail.


Grim reflections in the mirror of Ukraine crisis

Oped, Published on 20/05/2022

» I read with interest the article of colleagues from Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the UK and the US published in the Bangkok Post on May 12, 2022.



Path to peace needs respect

Oped, Editorial, Published on 05/05/2022

» The relatively calm Ramadan in the restive deep South reminds us that peaceful dialogue, not arm-twisting or fighting battles, is the real recipe for ending conflicts.


3 wars, 2 truces: at least some hope out there

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 07/04/2022

» Two weeks ago, the three biggest wars in the world were in Ukraine, Ethiopia and Yemen. Now truces have silenced the guns and the air strikes in two of the three. They are only temporary truces so far, but there is a reasonable chance that they could grow into something more permanent.



Shape shifting

Oped, Postbag, Published on 05/03/2022

» Re: "Aged society needs new provident fund", (Opinion, March 2).



Might doesn't make right, unjust wars will fail

Oped, Published on 03/03/2022

» At this dark hour, when we see Russia's unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine and massive disinformation campaigns and information manipulation, it is essential to separate lies -- invented to justify what cannot be justified -- from facts. The facts are that Russia, a major nuclear power, has attacked and invaded a peaceful and democratic neighbouring country, which posed no threat to it, nor provoked it. Moreover, President Vladimir Putin is threatening reprisals on any other state that may come to the rescue of the people of Ukraine. Such use of force and coercion has no place in the 21st century.



Govt trips up in handling of Chana row

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 13/12/2021

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has unwittingly opened up the old wounds between him and former Deputy Agriculture Minister Thamanat Prompow, currently secretary-general of the core government party, Palang Pracharath (PPRP).