Search Result for “sellers”

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New lottery not the key

Oped, Editorial, Published on 10/06/2024

» The government's plan to launch a lottery scheme for pensioners is a smart move, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Will it be able to boost senior citizens' savings as they claim?



All homes grow old and China will get used to it

News, Shuli Ren, Published on 01/06/2024

» Chinese love new apartment buildings, my real estate agent told me last year as I was looking to buy property in Hong Kong. Seeing herself as an investment adviser of sorts, she was breaking down my exit options, such as flipping it to a mainland investor a few years later.



High-stakes submarine talks

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/05/2024

» A Chinese delegation is visiting Thailand and will meet the government on Wednesday to negotiate a long-overdue submarine purchase. Then, the Thai government will make the final decision on whether to ditch or take the submarine.



The rise of consumer cryptocurrency

News, Published on 26/02/2024

» Since its inception with the launch of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain technology has gone through numerous cycles of public attention. Over time, growing interest and investment in the best-known cryptocurrencies has led to greater acceptance, as highlighted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission's approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) in January. While blockchains and their associated "crypto" assets have yet to be adopted by a truly broad base of consumers, that is starting to change, owing to a shift in how these technologies are being used.



Welcome to the really silly season

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/12/2023

» It's Christmas Eve and we are well into the Jinger Ben season in Thailand (Jingle Bells to the uninitiated). But in these dodgy times one suspects there might not be too much jingling going on. Nonetheless, considering all the gloomy news of late, a couple of weeks of being a bit daft offers a welcome break. So we might as well make the most of the Jinger Ben jollity, like a lady teller at my bank who was sporting some rather cute rabbit ears.



Jakarta learns from TikTok Shop ban

Oped, Published on 24/11/2023

» With the emergence of digitalisation, the dynamics of competition in e-commerce have drastically shifted. This shift has also introduced "social commerce", commonly known as "s-commerce" as a new phenomenon in Indonesia's digital economy.



Street vendors need space to make a living

News, Published on 16/11/2023

» A wave of evictions recently hit Dakar's bustling Liberté 6 market, a roughly 1.6-kilometre-long commercial hub that has served its community for more than 20 years. Hundreds of street vendors' stalls were bulldozed to make way for a new bus system. Authorities gave prior notice and an indemnity to help with the loss of business, but did not address the real problem: the lack of trading space.



Kardashian's Skims could be making a bad bet

News, Published on 31/10/2023

» Kim Kardashian was in the news again this week. Not for whomever she's dating or some controversial social media post. Instead, it was for her intimates and shapewear brand Skims, which launched a new men's line, which includes underwear, tees and socks. The obvious question posed to Kardashian has been: When are you coming out with a men's shapewear line? It's "forthcoming", but not a part of the inaugural line. Smart move, Keeks. Shapewear for men is set up to fail.



HK's billionaire debt kings are losing their mojo

News, Shuli Ren, Published on 27/09/2023

» The tide is turning for Hong Kong's tycoon families. All of a sudden, the younger generation has to work a lot harder to convince banks and investors that their money is safe, and their pet projects are savvy.



The geopolitics of nature requires collaboration

Oped, Published on 13/06/2023

» From Russia's war against Ukraine to US rivalry with China, tectonic geopolitical shifts have shaken multilateralism in recent years. While many of the consequences, from surging food and energy prices to the rising risks of major conflict, have been discussed at length, more attention must be devoted to the implications of these shifts for efforts to address the multifaceted climate and nature crisis.