Search Result for “securities”

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Journalists tour 'once violent' Xinjiang

News, Mongkol Bangprapa, Published on 02/11/2023

» China allowed a number of international media organisations to observe what is hailed as success in containing terrorist-related violence in Xinjiang.



Anti-coup crackdown takes fatal turn

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 01/03/2021

» Myanmar's security forces have unleashed a concerted crackdown on the country's peaceful protesters leaving 23 dead and thousands injured throughout the country in the last two days. In planned pre-emptive strikes, the police moved ruthlessly to disperse and arrest protestors preparing to join yesterday general strike. "They used teargas, stun grenades and fired live ammunition indiscriminately into the crowds," said Soe Soe, a young university student at a protest site told the Bangkok Post.



Peace process at risk of disintegrating

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 19/08/2020

» Myanmar's civilian government has made peace and national reconciliation a central platform of its administration since taking office in early 2016. But after almost five years very little has been achieved and the peace process is yet again precariously poised. The next stage -- the fourth round of the Panglong talks as Aung San Suu Kyi dubbed it after her historic electoral victory five years ago -- is scheduled to start today in the capital Nay Pyi Taw but is in danger of disintegrating into disarray.



Suu Kyi stands up to lawsuit avalanche

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 25/11/2019

» Myanmar's top leaders -- both military and civilian -- have been shell-shocked by the avalanche of international legal cases they are now facing. In the space of days, three cases have been lodged in separate courts, all intended to make the Myanmar government and the country's military leaders accountable for the horrendous events that unfolded in strife-torn western Rakhine state during military operations over the last three years. These forced nearly a million Muslims, or Rohingya as they call themselves, to flee to safety in Bangladesh.



Skill builder

Asia focus, Published on 23/09/2019

» For a person with a world-class list of accomplishments and awards, Harriet Green is refreshingly humble. And on hearing the passion in her voice when she talks about education, I could not help but be inspired by her words.



Airwaves in the know

News, Nauvarat Suksamran, Published on 07/09/2019

» Tuning in to programmes on the "physical" radio has retained its charm in the digital era in the midst of popular streaming which has taken the broadcast scene by storm.



Future Forward Party -- whose future?

News, Published on 01/11/2018

» Branding itself as a choice for first-time voters, both the "red" and "yellow" middle-class Thais who are tired of the military regime and colour-coded conflicts, the newly formed Future Forward Party is by far one of the most prominent parties in Thai politics.



Terrorist crashes car into London pedestrians

Associated Press, Published on 15/08/2018

» LONDON: A car ploughed into pedestrians and cyclists near the Houses of Parliament in London during the morning rush hour Tuesday, injuring three people in what police suspect is the latest in a string of attacks in the British capital that used vehicles as weapons.



Trump, Kim launch talks with historic handshake

Published on 12/06/2018

» SINGAPORE: Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un made history Tuesday, becoming the first sitting US and North Korean leaders to meet and shake hands, as they began to search for ways to end a tense decades-old nuclear stand-off.



Singapore spin cycle: Trump, Kim prepare for nuclear summit

Published on 11/06/2018

» SINGAPORE: Two days after arguing with western allies at the G-7 summit over trade, President Trump is prepared to declare victory in talks with nuclear-armed North Korea - regardless of what happens.