Search Result for “reconciliation”

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China seeks to shore up its influence in Myanmar

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 09/01/2021

» China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi is scheduled to arrive in Myanmar on Monday on a critical two-day visit. It is intended to further strengthen Chinese influence in the country, in light of the changing international dynamics in the region, amid fears that China's sway is beginning to wane.



New democracy demands unleashed

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 12/11/2020

» Millions of Myanmar voters went to the polls last Sunday to voice their overwhelming support for democracy and their opposition to the military's involvement in politics. Throughout the country, people queued patiently and peacefully -- sometimes for up to two hours in the hot sun -- to mark their ballot papers in the polling stations.



Pandemic poll drives reform demands

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 04/11/2020

» Myanmar goes to the polls on Sunday in a critical election that will determine the country's future direction. At issue is the country's fragile political balance -- between the civilian government and the still very powerful military -- and more importantly, give renewed impetus to the current government's drive to reform the country and the constitution. This election gives the voters the chance to decide whether the National League for Democracy (NLD) government, led by the charismatic leader Aung San Suu Kyi, will be given a renewed mandate to push forward on the country's tentative reform path and strengthen its democratic institutions.



Peace process at risk of disintegrating

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 19/08/2020

» Myanmar's civilian government has made peace and national reconciliation a central platform of its administration since taking office in early 2016. But after almost five years very little has been achieved and the peace process is yet again precariously poised. The next stage -- the fourth round of the Panglong talks as Aung San Suu Kyi dubbed it after her historic electoral victory five years ago -- is scheduled to start today in the capital Nay Pyi Taw but is in danger of disintegrating into disarray.


Myanmar blames army for atrocities in Rakhine

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/01/2020

» Myanmar is facing a very fraught time internationally as the conduct of its military comes under increasing scrutiny, while simultaneously the civilian government now admits it must take responsibility for what happened in the strife-torn western province of Rakhine over the past few years.



China and Myanmar launch new era of relations

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 17/01/2020

» China's president Xi Jingping will today kick off a two-day state visit to Myanmar which is likely to set the course of their future bilateral relations. While the visit is highly significant for Beijing, Myanmar is more hesitant, fearing it is becoming over-dependent on its northern neighbour, according to analysts and diplomats. But the visit certainly is a public endorsement of the special relationship that has formed between the two countries, and may herald a new era of strengthened relationship.



Suu Kyi stands up to lawsuit avalanche

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 25/11/2019

» Myanmar's top leaders -- both military and civilian -- have been shell-shocked by the avalanche of international legal cases they are now facing. In the space of days, three cases have been lodged in separate courts, all intended to make the Myanmar government and the country's military leaders accountable for the horrendous events that unfolded in strife-torn western Rakhine state during military operations over the last three years. These forced nearly a million Muslims, or Rohingya as they call themselves, to flee to safety in Bangladesh.



Planned Rohingya repatriation stalled

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/08/2019

» The repatriation of some 3,000 Muslim refugees back to Myanmar, who have been in camps in Bangladesh for nearly two years, is due to start today. But widespread fear and confusion in the camps, according to sources in Cox's Bazar -- currently home to nearly a million Rohingyas who have fled excessive violence at the hands of the Tatmadaw, or Myanmar army -- have left the repatriation plans in limbo.



Suu Kyi seeks support over Rakhine crisis

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 12/11/2018

» Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi is attending the Asean meetings in Singapore this week, in which she will seek support from her Asian allies in dealing with the country's Rakhine crisis. She especially wants the members of the regional bloc to back her government's efforts to resettle the returning Muslim refugees -- who have fled the violence in the country's strife-torn Western region -- and to be involved in the country's future reconciliation efforts.



Myanmar's peace hangs in the balance

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/10/2018

» Myanmar's peace process is finely balanced, after the latest round of talks failed to produce anything of substance. Sitting comfortably and very relaxed, the chairman of the Myanmar ethnic rebel group, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Yawd Serk was happy to offer his insights into the recent summit between the government and the leaders of the ethnic groups, which have signed the national ceasefire agreement (NCA). Reflecting on the meeting he simply said "very tense". The other ethnic leaders in attendance had a similar opinion: "high drama" according to one, on condition of anonymity.