Search Result for “protest”

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20 years later, time for justice for Tak Bai

Oped, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 16/05/2024

» Time flies. But it doesn't fly fast enough for security officers responsible for the Tak Bai massacre almost two decades ago.



Nice way to escape the danger zone

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 03/03/2014

» It must feel so good to get the chance to get away from Bangkok. Fresh air. No annoying whistle blowing. A warm welcome by the red shirts.



‘Popcorn’ is the buzzword of the day

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 24/02/2014

» Popcorn has certainly become hard to swallow for Chalerm Yubamrung — and Yingluck Shinawatra and her elder brother Thaksin. They probably hate it and will never again think of buying it when they go to the cinema.



CMPO too quick to make enemies

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 17/02/2014

» The Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order is a fast learner. It seems to quickly follow the footsteps of the Pheu Thai Party and its mentor, Thaksin Shinawatra.



Pak Bara plan forces locals to hit the road

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 28/10/2013

» Let Pak Bara be a small seaside town, not a deep-sea port. Coastal fishermen and environmentalists are using their feet to send that message _ they're on a long walk, roughly 200 kilometres, from Pak Bara in Langu district of Satun to Chana district of Songkhla. And what they are trying to say is: Save the sea. I assure you it does make more sense than it may appear to.



Asean fails to step into the Rohingya mess

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 06/05/2013

» The Rohingya problem in Myanmar could have been a blessing in disguise for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The issue reminds Asean backers that the three "legs" of its supporting pillar _ economic, social and security _ should be going in the same direction, even if at a different pace.



Rural health services face real threat

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 18/03/2013

» A sickness is pervading the Public Health Ministry. However, it is not exactly in a coma and there are signs indicating a recovery. But the extent of the malaise was underlined last Wednesday.



Infighting could end in double defeat for FTI

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 07/01/2013

» The most intriguing fight of 2012 is not over and will drag on this year. No, it is not yet another rematch between boxing superstars Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez _ the fight is right here at home between two camps of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).



Dirty tricks campaigns

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 01/10/2012

» Times change. But old political tactics never die. What really happened days before Pheu Thai Party chief Yongyuth Wichaidit's decision to step down from the cabinet substantiates this point.


Minor clash, strong message

Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 25/09/2012

» The clash between yellow-shirt and red-shirt supporters on Tuesday underlines how fragile the political situation remains as the country searches for reconciliation in the post-coup era.