Search Result for “pieces”

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Our custodial democracy on display

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 21/07/2023

» After a watershed election and a clear message from voters for change, the integrity of Thailand's democratic system has come into question. It turns out that election results are only necessary but not sufficient to form a government and run this country.



Thailand's jab fiasco needs an inquiry

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 16/07/2021

» Thailand's vaccine rollout is evidently a complete shambles due to questionable procurement, supply shortage, and misallocation amid a deadly surge of the Covid-19 "Delta" variant. The situation has been going from bad to worse with no end in sight as a poorly conceived strategy unfolds into a national calamity. As public anger mounts with fast-spreading calls for Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's ouster, the Covid-19 pandemic is becoming Thailand's political game-changer more than anyone could have anticipated.



Thailand's irresponsible runaway debt

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 11/06/2021

» A major lasting damage Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha will eventually leave behind is his government's co-optation and capture of autonomous agencies that used to safeguard and uphold Thailand's macroeconomic well-being and political level-playing field.



What next with China as a superpower?

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 04/10/2019

» The spectacular celebrations to mark the People's Republic of China's 70th anniversary of its founding were the culmination of a sweeping ideological struggle over the past century between two competing systems of socio-economic and political organisation. Under the stewardship of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1921, China has now arrived as a 21st century superpower with an unprecedented hybrid of totalitarian control and a capitalist market economy, the successor state to the old Soviet Union whose demise nearly 30 years ago was attributable to its rigid collectivism over market capitalism.



Thailand's tale told via 'The Nation'

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 28/06/2019

» Nearly five decades ago, The Nation newspaper started out as a pro-democracy, anti-military news organisation. It was fiercely independent and invariably hard-hitting vis-à-vis the powers-that-be. An English-language newspaper owned by Thais from the outset, it prided itself for having neither fear nor favour. Its lamentable expiry as a print newspaper today -- an online version will continue -- provides multiple parallels for Thailand's contemporary political history, ongoing polarisation and the changing nature of the business of journalism worldwide.



'My country's got' these socio-political ills

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 02/11/2018

» The explosive Rap Against Dictatorship music video that has taken Thailand by storm has raised myriad socio-political questions and issues. Known in Thai as <i>Prathet Ku Mee</i>, the sensational music video has been viewed on YouTube more than 25 million times in just 10 days in a country of 69 million people, a feat in its own right and a record for its artistic kind in Thailand. How this five-minute rap song in the Thai language has done so much says a lot about where Thailand has been and where it is going.



Elections, corruption and Thai democracy

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 16/02/2018

» People at home and abroad are calling for elections in Thailand on the premise of returning democracy to a country that has been under nearly four years of military government. But elections cannot bring genuine democracy if blatant corruption rears its head in open daylight with utter impunity. No doubt elections will be needed to get rid of the current set of military rulers but democracy in Thailand requires the strengthening of its democratic institutions that are so shoddy and woeful.


America's presidential poll and Thai-US ties

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 04/11/2016

» As the current presidential cycle in the United States closes with elections on Nov 8, there will be a global sigh of relief that it is finally over. The longest electoral contest in the world's ostensible bastion of democracy has become increasingly dysfunctional and malfunctioning. It has become a gruelling competition to see who is the least worst to put up with rather than who is the best to lead, resembling a drawn-out political circus, tinged with Hollywood dramatic effects and unbecoming of a country that is supposed to lead the community of democracies.



Thailand's reversal of  fortune with Vietnam

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 27/05/2016

» First, it was Myanmar that took over the democratic space which Thailand used to occupy. Now, it is Vietnam that has eclipsed Thailand as a major regional player in regional trade and geopolitics. It is not a lot of fun for Thais to be counting the costs of their country's sagging political fortunes and sliding economic prospects but doing so is necessary to remind Thailand's ruling generals that we are in bad shape and that they are not quite up to scratch in coming up with what we want to do and where we need to go.



Shrine saga throws up bluster, but few facts

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 28/08/2015

» The fog of Thai crisis management can be thick and heavy. Almost a fortnight after a powerful bomb explosion rocked the landmark Erawan shrine area in central Bangkok and claimed 20 lives with scores of injuries, Thai authorities have made just about zero progress.