Search Result for “minister”

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Dashing the gamer dream

Business, Published on 13/07/2020

» Game casters and e-sports players have become the careers young people dream of, and they follow up by training hard to achieve their goal. But the recent push for a new draft law governing the sector with an aim to protect children from violent games has caused panic throughout the industry.



Markets rise as deaths slow in hotspots: Virus update

Published on 06/04/2020

» Germany and Spain reported lower numbers of new cases, a tentative sign that lockdown measures are easing the outbreak.



Likay a lot

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 23/10/2019

» Bollywood is one of the world's most competitive movie industries, making Thai viewers and the media alike excited to see Thai performers be a part of it. So when musical folk drama and likay actress Priya Samanabaramee, aka Ann Mitchai, became part of the industry in 2013, starring in Ishk Actually, her fans were thrilled.



Blame it on Justin Bieber

Life, Published on 29/05/2019

» A large sign warns motorists that Iceland's Fjadrargljufur canyon is closed to visitors but drivers keep on coming down the narrow gravel road. A ranger at a roadblock has to explain why no one can pass: The vulnerable landscape cannot sustain more visitors.



King gives funds for Pabuk damage

News, Post Reporters, Published on 08/01/2019

» Revenue from the royally initiated winter fair running under the banner "Un Ai Rak Khlai Khwam Nao" will be allocated to support efforts to restore the damage dealt by Tropical Storm Pabuk in southern Thailand from Friday to Sunday.



Viral clicks that rocked the boat

News, Anucha Charoenpo, Published on 29/12/2018

» In the year 2018, netizens widely used their Facebook pages and other social media platforms to scrutinise matters of public interest ranging from politics and crimes to social issues.



'My country's got' these socio-political ills

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 02/11/2018

» The explosive Rap Against Dictatorship music video that has taken Thailand by storm has raised myriad socio-political questions and issues. Known in Thai as <i>Prathet Ku Mee</i>, the sensational music video has been viewed on YouTube more than 25 million times in just 10 days in a country of 69 million people, a feat in its own right and a record for its artistic kind in Thailand. How this five-minute rap song in the Thai language has done so much says a lot about where Thailand has been and where it is going.



Police back down on 'Prathet Ku Mee' threat

Gary Boyle, Published on 30/10/2018

» Police have backed down on a threat to press charges against the artists behind the Rap Against Dictatorship project over the lyrics to their song "Prathet Ku Mee".



Call off rap song probe

News, Editorial, Published on 30/10/2018

» Just as the sun rises every day, the Royal Thai Police and its Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) were predictably quick to pounce on the flash-mob popularity of song sensations Rap Against Dictatorship (RAD).



Cops mull charges against viral rap stars

News, Post Reporters, Published on 28/10/2018

» The Royal Thai Police's Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) will conclude within a few days whether an explosively popular rap song perceived to take aim at the military government breaches the Computer Crime Act, the deputy spokesman of the agency said yesterday.