Search Result for “good”

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Ripe time to allow AI whistleblowers speak out

News, Published on 18/06/2024

» Here's an AI advancement that should benefit all of us: It's getting easier for builders of artificial intelligence to warn the world about the harms their algorithms can cause -- from spreading misinformation and displacing jobs, to hallucinating and providing a new form of surveillance. But who can these would-be whistleblowers turn to? An encouraging shift toward better oversight is underway, thanks to changes in compensation policies, renewed momentum to speak out among engineers and the growing clout of a British government-backed safety group.



The high cost of GPT-4o 'giveaway'

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» With the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI has once again shown itself to be the world's most innovative artificial-intelligence company. This new multimodal AI tool -- which seamlessly integrates text, voice, and visual capabilities -- is significantly faster than previous models, greatly enhancing the user experience. But perhaps the most attractive feature of GPT-4o is that it is free -- or so it seems.



Who is it for?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 28/05/2024

» Re: "Treaty can help", (PostBag, May 26).



Are scientific breakthroughs on the decline?

News, Published on 27/12/2023

» This year had barely begun when scientists got some jolting news. On Jan 4, a paper appeared in Nature claiming that disruptive scientific findings have been waning since 1945. An accompanying graph showed all fields on a steep downhill slide.



Beyond populism

Oped, Postbag, Published on 10/10/2023

» Re: "Saving the amnesty bill", (Editorial, Oct 9).



Will India be a new economic superpower?

Oped, Published on 11/08/2023

» In March 1985, the Wall Street Journal showered India's new prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, with its highest praise. In an editorial titled "Rajiv Reagan", the newspaper compared the 40-year-old Gandhi to "another famous tax cutter we know", and declared that deregulation and tax cuts had triggered a "minor revolution" in India.


The reason why I still have Jackie on my mind

News, Maureen Dowd, Published on 06/06/2023

» I think about Jackie Kennedy several times a day.


Foolish pride

News, Postbag, Published on 21/05/2023

» Re: "MFP victory one for the history books", (Opinion, May 20).



Consultancy 'warp' drive deepens crisis of capitalism

News, Published on 13/03/2023

» In recent years, McKinsey & Company has become a household name -- but for all the wrong reasons. One of the "Big Three" consulting firms, its work for major corporations and governments has increasingly become a source of scandal and intrigue around the world.


FTX saga shows not all ends justify means

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 30/11/2022

» In the wake of the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, and amid reports that FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, diverted billions of dollars of clients' funds, some observers have linked the alleged financial malpractice to ideas widely held within the "effective altruism" movement, which Mr Bankman-Fried says inspired him. More specifically, they point to the ethical view that the end justifies the means.